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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Following the changes in the curriculum from Personal Assistant HND to Manager Assistant HND, our students now have to carry out an eight-week work placement in a company working in an international context. This placement has to take place abroad in a European country, or in France provided the firm has business internationally. This leads to the validation of a credit in their exam in oral communication. From the start of this new HND, the teaching team has been encouraging students to go abroad, during which time professional projects have to be achieved putting into practice the skills they acquired in their courses : communicating skills, organisation, management, decision making, use of a foreign language. In 2015 eight of our students went abroad. They actually come from different educational background having passed a vocational secondary education diploma, tech-levels, or A’levels. This diversity of background represents a real asset for our classes. Their two-month work placement abroad was a truly enriching experience not only professionally as it met the objectives and expectations as settled before leaving, but it was also worthwhile for personal and linguistic benefits. The students mentioned the difficulties they had with the language of the country on arrival, but insisted on the language skills they acquired during their stay. The discovery of a company, the relation with their supervisor and the other members of staff, the company policy as regard to the country were keys to the success of their placement too. Indeed some of them had the opportunity to be integrated to team work, to take part to business project, and thus enhance and diversify their competences. This long-term immersion in the host country appeared to be a key element in the students’ training and is beneficial for both the students and their school.

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