European Projects
Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 1, 2016
Our project was designed to meet the need for opportunities to improve socio-labour conditions of EU citizens, especially regarding to the youth unemployment that is becoming alarming.
According to DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion the rise of unemployment among young people (aged 15-24) is dramatic: since 2008, the total number in the EU has increased by one million.
There are now over 5 million young people in the EU-28 under the age of 25, who can not find a job.
In Italy youth unemployment exceeds 31,8% (ISTAT 2012) and in certain areas young people, who are not engaged in school or training programmes nor with a job (NEET), risk to remain social excluded.
In 2010 this 2million young Italians were NEET, over 22% of the population aged 15-29.
In this context traineeships have a key role in increasing the access of young people to the labour market because they can fill the gap between the theory gained in education and the skills acquisition needed by the market, resulting in an increase of competitiveness.
Nevertheless, traineeships in some cases do not play the role they should, because of their low-quality learning outcomes produced because there is a gap between educational outputs and labour market needs (source: Public Consultation on Quality Framework for Traineeships).
Against this backdrop, Consortium’s aim was to to support youth employment by investing in education and training in order to support them in acquiring and developing, both working and transversal skills that are the crucial elements to reinforce their competitiveness.
Our Consortium was led by Mine Vaganti European Youth Group (MVNGO) composed by 9 Italian Universities, 5 NGOs and 12 other entities (public bodies and SMEs).
All partners are closely involved in education, training and labour market issues and their staff is highly specialized.
The main aim of the National Consortium was:
1) To encourage, through mobility opportunities, cooperation among the education, private, social partners and businesses sectors at national and transnational level for producing high-quality Traineeships'learning-outcomes (included multi-language and intercultural learning) as suggested by the priority of Erasmus+.
We created an experienced task-force that linked up the mentioned sectors to create high-quality traineeships paths addressed to increase the competitiveness of students that had just recently entered the labour market just now (in line with the philosophy of the European Alliance for Appreticenships and the Quality Framework for Traineeships).
2) Offering traineeships addressed to develop New Skills for New Jobs and w orking on the basic studies for the recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications (ECVET).
3) Promoting the importance and the impact of the mobility of students, also issuing Europass MOBILITY certificates that recognize acquired skills whilst abroad.
Our target were students and recent-graduated (within max.1 year), hereinafter simply called “students”, in the 8 Italian Universities.
The goal was to provide them the above mentioned skills that can effectively respond to the current demand of specialization required by the labour market.
Furthermore, our 3 years cooperation was targeted at defining a long-term strategy in offering high-quality traineeships that mght contribute to contain emigration of young Italians causing an increasing loss of human capital resources.
Mobility flows were dedicated to innovative working sectors that need the acquisition of new skills and competences by workers, like Social Tourism, Green ICT and Creative and Cultural Industry.
All of these sectors (and other in the next future) have a great potential of creating new employment opportunities.
All these sectors are knowing a fast growth internationally, they are seen as important for the future economic growth of Europe (Tourism in Europe2020 strategy; Cultural and Creative sector and ICT in Digital Agenda for Europe) and at the same time have an extreme potentiality to boost Italian economy.
Our Consortium wanted to invest in supporting students to acquire these New Skills for these New Jobs in order to become more competitive in the sector.
Concerning that, among the National Consortium some of the partners were NGOS interested in employing high-qualified trainees.
The Consortium offered 100 traineeships yearly (12 weeks), in Turkey, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, France, Malta, Spain, UK and Czech Republic.
To reinforce the international scope of Cosortium partners, we hosted trainees from the involved foreign partners.