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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mission of our institution is to train students to be responsible and actors of the world. That is why international is one of the priorities of our strategy. The internationalization of the institution is realized in various ways: - the learning of foreign languages ​​in the first years - an international experience in a partner institution - the internationalization of faculty In that context, the Erasmus+ 2014 project allowed us to send out 111 students in Europe, 6 teachers on a mission and receive 80 European students at our institution. The integration of foreign students is a very important element of the project because they greatly contribute to the internationalization of classrooms. The acheived impacts are multiple: we conducted a study of our alumni and it is certain that the internationalization of the curriculum has a positive impact on the employability of our graduates. There is also an impact on the institution: adjustments of the curriculum to allow international students to integrate, adaptation of faculty and administrative staff. Indirectly, there is an impact on the city or the region given that through these mobilities, hundreds of students leave with a positive experience of Brussels that ultimately might influence them in a professional choice.

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