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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Institution, I.E.S. ?La Isleta? , includes High Studies on Physical Activity and Sport. This institution has had a gratefully history of experiences and exchanges, both internationally and nationally. Our Institution has been participating in the Erasmus Program since 2012, and since then, our students obtaining scholarships have fulfilled their expectations in several countries within Europe, such as Malta, Ireland, Portugal and Italy. Our curriculum on Vocational Training courses embraces a large catalogue of subjects suitable to the request of the field related to Sports and Physical activities. But this field is always changing. Due to that, we have to update constantly, so as to satisfy the needs of the professional demand that our students will cope with. In order to expand new limits for our outgiong and incoming students, the coordination of International Relationships is working hard on the following strategy. To achieve this purpouse, during the academic year 2014-2015, six mobilities were carried out (two of them without scholarships). These mobilities were developed in Malta (3), Ireland (2) and Italy (1). Apart from that, two more mobilities were accomplished by two teachers to Malta and Ireland, being both deeply profitable. It´s remakable that two of the six students got a job in the adopted country. The teachers had the opportunity to monitore "in situ" our students´ internship. With these visits we pretend to know them personally and to exchange experiences in order to conduct a more rewarding future for our sports technicians work. We consider important the tutor, who is the contact person who will monitor the student, in addition to a close and at different levels help the student role in providing confidence for the proper performance of their duties. The role of the tutor is very important. I will be in charge of the Students' guidance and assessment. Also I will help them FulFil their training tasks successfully. And the other hand, the Coordination of ERASMUS PLUS THE I.E.S. LA ISLETA, requested places STAFF MOBILITY FOR TRAINING, 2014-2015 course still a novelty PLUS ERASMUS mobilities such project for the center. This type of mobility is aimed at teachers of the Department directly linked to the Higher Level Training Course, but to turn to the business Practices of Traineeships. This is where training grants Professor exchanged experiences from other fields and work contexts, in addition to receiving information own business structure and job profiles of the host company / destination. VISITS tutoring: This year Coordination considered Tutoring visits to companies by their insular, location or type for their collaboration and hosting students for years were likely to be permanent partner companies, but it was essential to make a "check in " spot. Visit to Malta: A visit to Kunsill Malti Ghall - Sport was done, (the Sports Council of Malta) specifically installations of the municipal pools located in Gzira . We contacted the Headof Programmes, Robert Portelli, on several occasions to arrange official visit. And we were received by the Coordinator of the facilities and practices tutor . For several days we saw the work experience of our students, besides knowing the facilities and structure of work in the area. It was clear that differs in several respects the system of work done in Las Palmas, both at maximizing facilities, organizational structure and hiring profile. The visit was very rewarding, as future collaboration agreements also agreed to contact new and future business practices for our students and thus amplify the company internship Visit to Ireland: The visit to Skerries, via Dublin was held specifically to unique business facilities for water sports OUTDOOR DUBLIN area. This company has a monopoly of water sports in the area and conducts Kayak, Paddle Surf and Surf, usually aimed at children, groups and families. We contacted the Director of the Peter Carrol facility on several occasions, to arrange official visit. It was clear that the company meets the right to be collaborating entity conditions, although the company tutor, being in this case, the director of the company, only require a student internship at the moment, until the company can accommodate more students, because of its size and range of activities.
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