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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus program is one of the projects carried out by the Higher Conservatory of Music "Manuel Massotti Little" during the academic year, and it is integrated into the general programming of the institution. This has been our first time in the frame of the new Erasmus+ program, although our conservatory is a part of the Erasmus network since 2003. We have used three options of the mobility action for higher education students and staff (KA1): study periods for students, and teaching and training periods for academic staff. We have targeted to these objectives: - strengthen the european dimension of the musical courses we offer, - promote a quantitative and qualitative improvement in learning the languages of the European Union, - promote cooperation and mobility in the field of education, encouraging exchanges between academic institutions, - promote open education, and a better recognition of diplomas and periods of study, and - encourage innovation in the development of educational practices and materials. Eleven students and five teachers initially applied for participation in the program. Among the alter, four for teaching and one for training. Finally, only eight student mobilities took place. Due to reasons beyond our control, three students were not admitted to any of the foreign institutions they applied for. The eight participating students were third snd four graders, all of them of the Performing branch (Flute, Horn, Trombone, Piano, Percussion, and Double bass); four of them stayed abroad for a whole academic year, and the other four only during the fall semester. Concerning academic staff, two of the mobilities for teaching periods could not be carried out, because of incompatibility between the academic calendars of our institution and the foreign institutions. Therefore, they took place only two mobilities for teaching (Orgel at the Conservatorio di Musica "G.B.Martini" in Bologne, and Trumpet at the Erasmushogeschool Brussel), and one mobility for training (Languages applied to Singing, at the Joseph Haydn Konservatorium des Landes Burgeland in Eisenstadt). The outcomes have been very satisfactory for participating students and teachers, both academically and personally. Referring to students, working with other teachers in other institutions has opened to them new perspectives and expectations of the greatest interest for their professional future. In view of the good academic results certified to our students by the foreign institutions, our teachers´ work deserves to be recognized here. Our staff´s teaching periods abroad have served to open the doors of our conservatory to students from foreign institutions, which has offered the opportunity for the work of our teachers to be know and recognized.Proof of this are the applications received from several foreign students, who were finally admitted to spend different periods of study in our conservatory. The training period spent abroad by one of our teachers of languages also served to know other methodological approaches to the subject, and will have an enriching impact in her teaching.

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