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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project of academic exchange implemented under the framework of Erasmus+ Programme is the most important tool for the internationalisation of our University. We aim to send possible the highest number of students for studies to partner institutions or for traineeships to enterprises, research institutes or foreign universities, since it greatly upgrades the teaching process and improves its quality. In 2014/2015 academic year were realized student mobilities for studies and traineeships for a total of 60 persons. Students were seeking traineeship opportunities on their own, according to their interests. Several persons completed traineeships in prestigious research institutes, e.g. Institute of Biomedicine in Spain, Max Planck Institute in Germany, Autoimmune Genetics Laboratory in Belgium, or Center of Biological engineering in Portugal, as well as in veterinary clinics in Germany. Others realized their traineeships at universities. Considering the learning outcomes it is a most beneficial combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experiences. Another objective of the project were teacher mobilities for teaching and staff mobilities for training, a total of 26 persons used the mobilities. Acquiring new (also language) skills and new experiences contributed to upgrading the quality of teaching at the University of Agriculture. Students at three cycles of studies (also part time programmes) had equal access to the Programme. 190 students participated in ERASMUS + promotional meetings organized at all campuses of the University, many more students contacted Erasmus coordinators by mail or in person. Financial support from the programme was allocated to the students of all seven faculties of the university and the University Centre of Veterinary Medicine. All outbound students received Erasmus Student Card and full information about the obligatory health insurance and recognition of the study period. Most of the outbound students were women (they also constitute a majority of our student community). As a result of the realized activities we observed increased interest in foreign language learning (e.g. Spanish) among our students, better self-reliance of students who while studying at partner university often sought contacts on their own and completed traineeships at the same university, others plan to continue education on the third cycle programmes abroad, growing number of universities which suggested signing inter-institutional agreements, development of scientific contacts started during teachers? visits at partner universities, but also developing exchange between colleagues who administer the Programme leading to better work for the beneficiaries (in 2014/2015 we hosted 11 persons from partner institutions). The number of inbound students for studies and traineeships increased, as well as the number of incoming teachers. All incoming students were offered accommodation in student residence and assistance by the members of student self-government. The incoming students received also administrative support from the International Relations Office and dean?s offices at all faculties. A long-time effect of the project will be our University?s participation in a strategic partnership ? based on the collaboration with the Universities in Brno and Nitra, with whom we have been maintainig academic exchange mainly in the framework of ERASMUS Programme. The aim of the project is developing the joint educational programme with the universities in Czech Republic and in Slovakia, which will make educational offer of our university far more attractive. Owing to constantly update and extended offer of courses taught in in English developed for the needs of the programme, in 2014/2015 we observed a growing interest in our university among students also outside Europe. We hope for further development of this exchange.
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