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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was exchange of students and staff. 58 students went abroad for studies. There were students of faculty of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, health sciences (physiotherapy). Students of medicine studied 1 academic year abroad. The rest of the students studied one semester. The period of studies of doctoral students was 3 months. There were also the Erasmus placements implemented (2 months, 3 months). 102 students went abroad for training. There were students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy and nursing. Placements took place in university hospitals of partner universities within the signed agreements as well as in hospitals, dentist offices, pharmacies or laboratories (in places found by the students who were supposed to bring a letter of intent before). Our aim is to gain a balanced mobility. We were quite successful since the number of incoming students who come to our university with study purpose is increasing (we received 87 students this academic year). Curriculum is implemented in English which is supported financially by our university. 9 academic staff benefited from the exchange in terms of teaching staff mobility by giving lectures to students of partner universities (some of the lectures are planned as a yearly part of the curriculum of partner university). The lectures are related to fields such as psychiatry, hematology, pharmacology, ophthalmology, biology, history of medicine. Apart from this 17 staff benefited from staff mobility training. There were either teachers who took training in hospital wards (pediatric nephrology, otolaryngology, periodontology, dermatology) and laboratories (biology, inorganic chemistry, toxicology, pharmacognosy) or administrative staff (International Office, Office of Project Teams, Dean's Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Department of Education) who benefited from job shadowing or joined the Erasmus+ Staff Week. In case of the mobility of students they have achieved the intended results of their education in home and partner university. Students accomplished programme which was accepted and recognised within the requirements of home university (period of studies was fully recognised). Students who took part in mobility are granted with individual curriculum in home university. The obligatory trainings (part of curriculum in home university) implemented by students were recognised as well. Scope pf the training of obligatory training as well as non-obligatory training is included in diploma supplement. Implemented program (studies, placement) leads to increasing knowledge, improving professional skills of participants, improving language and interpersonal skills. Participation in the Erasmus+ programmme (study or placement) is taken into account at a later stage of the career of the students. In case of academic staff mobility (lectures, training) in a survey evaluating teaching activity didactic teacher are allocated points for participation in the Erasmus+ programme and in the case of mobility of administrative staff their trainings are taken into account in a possible promotion.

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