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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During this project, the main student mobility?s were for Erasmus+ practice (24), and only one study mobility occurred. There were two more students for studies but at the last moment they change their minds because of the finance issues. In review of the practice sites and content, they are very diverse and useful for students in their future careers as well as for college by improving study and practice plans. Spending a period of time in an enterprise or organisation in another country, with a view to acquire specific competences that are required by the labour market, carry out work experience and improve the understanding of the economic and social culture of that country. Mobility of teachers went smoothly (6) and had a tripartite benefit - renewed old contacts, new ideas for implementing joint projects. It was signed new Bilateral agreements which gives new opportunities for both students and staff. Incoming teachers brought new concept of teaching. Incoming students were challenge for teachers and our students as well. All education and training resulting in an improvement in knowledge, skills and competences or participation in society within a personal, civic, cultural, social and/or employment-related perspective, including the provision of counselling and guidance services. Al participants improved their competences such as the basic set of knowledge, skills and attitudes which all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.

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