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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has been carried out as individual mobilities under funding scheme ERASMUS Plus, KA1. A total of 30 mobilities were handled: 4 students mobility for studies, 4 students internships,15 staff mobilities for training purposes and 7 staff mobilities carried out for teaching purposes. Student mobilities have been carried out for the first time by our institution in this contract year and it is planned to develop it further in the future. Number of staff mobilities remained constantly at a high level in recent years. Geographically, the target region of our institution is especially the Danube region. This is reflected well in the personal mobilities, about half took place in this geographic region. The gender distribution was in total as well as in most of activities more in favor of women, only in personal mobility for teaching purposes significantly more male colleagues have participated. 4 out of 15 training mobilities were attained by our administrative staff. Students mobilities strengthened the already well-developed cooperation with the University of Tampere in the teaching area. We try to implement similar models in other university courses in the next few years. Since our students are mainly working and complete their postgraduate studies in part-time, structured and organized mobilities are the only possible and useful alternative. Currently internships were in demand only in courses with integrated curricular internship. However, we expect strong demand for graduate internships in the coming years. The training mobilities have resulted in two cases in preparation/submission of joint projects. A colleague also spent several weeks at a university to complete her doctorate. The mobility for teaching purposes have been mostly performed as guest lectures, but also some of themwere already connected into the curriculum at the host institution. It should be noted that the mobilities have a crucial role in building up an international professional network for the mobile people (students, teachers, staff), but at the same time open up the institution new cooperation ways. Often, the employees of the host institution return the visit and enhance thereby the bonds as well as the mutual understanding and trust. In the search for partners for future projects the partners already known from mobilities are preffered. Our students, by attending a mobility, receive the opportunity to acquire and deepen their knowledge outside of Austria. Thus they benefit personally, but after returning home also their cohort, by exchange of experiences. Furthermore, it affects the teachers and course directors and can also lead to adaptations of existing curricula.

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