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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The university of Cergy-Pontoise has got from now 273 Erasmus + agreements. In 2014/2015: 11 new agreements were signed,15 agreements were widened and 8 were renewed. The department of humanities enhanced reliability of the exchanges of students with the University of Huddersfield. The school of law implemented mobilities based upon the new agreements concluded with the universities of Milan (Italy) and Okan ( Turkey) Staff teaching assessments allowed: - sustainability of the link with the university Heinrich Heine of Düsseldorf within the framework of the integrated studies of French-German Law. - dynamic cooperations with the university of Bratislava (Institute of technology ) and the university of Huddersfield (Languages and international studies department). Preparatory visits : In order to keep on enhancing agreements with the universities of Northern Europe, staffs of the school of law (1 teacher + 1 administrative) went to Norway for preparatory visits. These visits were concluded with an extension of the agreement with the university of Oslo and a new agreement with the university of Bergen. School of law is also preparing an agreement with the university of Leuven (Belgium) Department of humanities is about to build a partnership with the university London school of communication. UCP is now anticipating the increase of its students mobilities with the integration of new fields of studies : - In 2016/2017, IEP(institute of political studies) plans 80 outgoing mobilities students.To that end, agreements are signed with well known universities as Catolica Portuguesa and Nova of Lisbon, the universities of Vienna, Portsmouth and the Free university of Brussels. - In three coming years, IEP plans to have 120 outgoing students mobilities and to do so,new agreements are in the process to be signed with Northern Europe universities. - engineering Integrated Master's degree studies requires a compulsory mobility and reflexion on possibilities of partnerships is being undertaken.
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