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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participating in the Erasmus Programme is anchored in the internationalisation strategy of FH WN. The project involves student and staff mobility. Student mobility is done on Bachelor and Master level within the faculties of Business and Engineering. Nearly all study programmes within these faculties offer the possibility of a mobility window. Whereas the objective for the exchange semester was to maintain the number of participants, the objective for traineeships was to increase this number. Additionally our aim was to increase staff mobility as well. Participants: 54 students did an Erasmus mobility for studies (40 Bachelor, 14 Master), 45 students did an Erasmus mobility for traineeship and 6 staff member particpated in a mobility (3 teaching, 3 training). The aim was to increase the quality of education by enhancing intercultural and language competencies of students and staff.
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