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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goals of students’ and graduates’ work placement mobility: - improving the knowledge of foreign languages, - developing competences according to the employers’ standards, - better work opportunities… The goals of teaching mobility: - analyzing teaching methods and reactions of students to different methods, - linking inter-subject areas of our and host institution, - exchanging of good practises and innovative methods... The goals of staff mobility: - acknowledge methods of good cooperation between pedagogic and other personnel and students, - exchanging of good practises and innovative methods, - taking part in workshops and innovative ways of learning in current fields... All activities were led by the coordinator; the headmaster was always informed and was involved if necessary. The goals were written in the plan, available on Erasmus+ webpage ( The targets were met according to the following documents: Learning Agreement for Traineeships, Staff Mobility for Training, Staff Mobility for Teaching, EPS in ECHE document. We carried out language and cultural preparation; all participants had access to OLS tools/language course. We carried out all approved mobility places. - We carried out two work placement mobility: 1 student and 1 graduate (3 months). We ensured sex equality also different nationalities. When the employer was found by the school/coordinator, we followed the student’s wish and therefore she worked in Austria. We enabled all supportive activities: informing, documents preparation, help with insurance and finding accommodation. Both students got the certificate. The student also had her work ratified as an exam and received 14 ECTS. - Staff and teaching mobility (5 staff and in 1 teaching) was carried out in 4 countries which follows the EPS strategy about spreading our contacts. We included lectures on fair basis. Therefore lectures of law, economy, psychology and IT were included. This way we got an overview of various good practices, new and innovative methods and new knowledge. Mobility was in the form of job shadowing but also attending and taking part in the international week. Results: - The mobility increased the student’s and graduate’s professional, social and intercultural skills (can be seen from their reports). Knowing the specifics of the Austrian work environment, culture and language, Europass certificate and the achieved references are competitive advantages in the labour market, especially as we border with Austria; - Cooperation with some partner institutions has overgrown the mobility into the inter-institutional cooperation: professional, sport and cultural cooperation: e.g. cooperation with the University in Split (school newspaper ŠUS, no. 33, p 11:; - Cooperation between partner institutions has become more unified as we offer help to each other (e.g. work placement positions with VOŠ Časlav from the Czech Republic). We spread this as an example of good practice (school newspaper ŠUS, no. 31, p. 7: Coordinators of both schools follow the process of work placement, offer help in a foreign environment, and help find the accommodation. This system is appropriate for college students as they usually need more help and encouragement; - Taking part in the mobility leads to more intensive cooperation among the participants at their own school: more inter-subject cooperation; the implementation of the results and knowledge of job shadowing has led to a new teaching method (flipped learning with the help of ICT): two mobility participants implemented this method into their study process this year. They also presented this approach at a conference in September 2015 (VIVID, 2015, the paper was published in collection of scientific papers VIVID 2015 (; - Employees, taking part in the mobility, pointed out the importance of learning from good practices. The gained knowledge is successfully implemented into the learning process and this is therefore better and has more quality, which was proved by the NAKVIS evaluation (study year 2015/16) when no discrepancy could be found while good practices were pointed out.
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