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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Metropolitan UC is a public higher education institution providing mainly welfare programmes at BA- level within, health, rehabilitation social work and education. The completed project includes 82 outbound student mobilities and 19 staff mobilities and 101 inbound students' mobilities. The participating students: The level of participant satisfaction on the mobilities has in general been very high regarding both inbound and outbound student mobilities. The students' judgement of their learning outcomes shows a very high score and an especially interesting pattern is that the students seem to rate the learning outcome from traineeship significantly higher than from studies. All participating students have received full academic recognition for their mobilities. The participating staff Satisfaction on the activity and the personal outcome has been very high. Especially staff has rated highly that the mobility experience provided learning from good practice, extending professional Network and reinforcement of partner cooperation. Some staff seem to experience that the level of recognition of their mobility activity from their home department is not quite satisfactory. This issue is now being dealt with as part of the institution's strategy for increasing the Erasmus staff mobility.

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