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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our university is committed towards the internationalization process, and places great emphasis on the operation of mobility. Due to our extensive international relationship 162 universities are available for our students and teachers who wish to participate in mobility programmes. Our collaborating partners are determined by similar institutional goals and researches and the quality of education and services. In our partnerships we are intent on providing the participants of the exchange programmes and other joint activities with professional and personal benefit. The number of participants is growing. In this academic year instead of the awarded 186 scholarship holders we have 208 in every mobility type: studies, traineeship, teaching and training. To take part in the Erasmus+ KA1 Programme has many benefits and positive impacts, especially in the area of internationalization which is very important for us. Due to the quantitative and qualitative increase in the mobility, students who complete their studies in our institution are more open to the world, communicate better and tolerant of other cultures. Staying abroad contributes to strengthening their intercultural competence as well. Knowledge gained during the scholarship period is a great help for the students to facilitate employment and career progress in the future. Participation in the Programme is a very good opportunity also for our teachers as it encourages them to build more international cooperation. Besides the academic staff the administrative colleagues can learn much during their mobility period ? from the up to par institutional practices to the latest methods ? which learning process also contributes to their development. Furthermore our teachers can strengthen their knowledge, linguistic and cultural experiences not only by the experience acquired abroad, but also by the courses for foreign scholars coming to us and the preparation process. Our international mobility aspirations are facilitated by applying ECTS, learning agreements and standardized usage of diploma-supplements, as well as the growing number of foreign language courses. Tender procedures are transparent: the methods are recorded in regulations; the decision-making process is carried out by the faculty committees of foreign affairs. Recognition of international learning experiences is our important principle. Its arrangement is helped by the credit transfer committees. Courses of foreign guest teachers are part of the curriculum. For international and exchange students the constantly renewing curricula and the new information are available on the faculties? website. Our institution organize information day involving the former scholarship holders. The colleagues of the faculty international officies continuously assist and inform visitors about the opportunities. Our main duties include the foreign students? familiarization with our county?s diverse culture and language.
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