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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

UCT Prague has been actively involved in the project for several years now and still regards international cooperation as a vital part of its teaching and scientific activities which have been purposely extended and deepened. Based on the active participation of academic, non-academic staff and students in international projects new contacts have been established and cooperation has been extended both in terms of its contents and geographically. The most widespread is the cooperation with European universities but gradually the number of non-European partners has risen too (South Korea, Vietnam, India, Taiwan). UCT Prague is open to high-quality cooperation with institutions from all over the world. The main requirement for establishment of new cooperation is a common area of scientific interest and high-quality of educational and research activities provided by the partner institution. The qualitative aims of the project have been met and correspond with the university international EU and non-EU strategy. From the quantitative point of view the results exceeded expectations because numbers of participants in all mobility categories have been higher than originally planned. Mobilities for studies have been used mainly by Master level students, traineeships were prefered by doctoral level students. Staff mobility for training was carried out by both academic and non-academic staff and the most visited destination was France. Teachers who participated in teaching mobilities mainly opted for Italian universities. As far as the students´ choice of receiving institution is concerned, two trends were visible. Students either opt for the most prestigious institution or the least common or small country. This year besides destinations such as Scandinavia, countries of Benelux, Germany or France we registered two doctoral students who were accepted for traineeship at the British university in Cambridge which UCT Prague does not have a bilateral agreement with, and one student did his study mobility at the university in Ljubljana in Slovenia. All mobility participants fulfilled their study obligations set in their Learning Agreements and got sufficient number of credits; the issue of recognition of learning outcomes is being discussed later in the report. Students participating in traineeships were also very active during their mobility and returned full of positive feelings and motivation to further work and studies at their home university. Staff members perceived their experience abroad as very beneficial and acquired a lot of valuable skills and knowledge they will use in their current job position. UCT Prague was again able to welcome a large number of inbound students whom the teachers, officers of Department of International Relations and members of ESN club devoted professional care. Realized mobilties contributed in a great deal to the internationalisation of the UCT Prague and helped modernize teaching and research methods as well as enhance language competences and competitiveness of the participants in the job market. The weak points remain the English level of some of the teachers of inbound students, issue of recognition of study results and only exceptionally classes are taught in English for both groups of students - inbound and domestic ones together.
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