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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CONCERTO Consortium is the natural evolution of previous experiences of Leonardo Project and Erasmus Placement Consortia coordinated by Unife: the University of Ferrara has in fact a consolidated experience in running successful projects like this. To build up the Concerto we got in touch with various and well-known local partners (the other universities located in the region Emilia Romagna, except for the University of Bologna), as well as extending the participation to other public higher education institutions located in the same region (music academies, art academies, except for the Music Academy of Bologna), which accepted enthusiastically our proposal. The result is a highly homogeneous and well-structured consortium in terms of location, which makes the management and the partners? relations smoother and easier to handle. The consortium deals with mobilities for staff training, as well as students? trainings. The project goals differ from participant to participant. For the trainees the main goal is to carry out a professionalizing training at a European institution, whose matter is closely connected to the field of study. This experience may turn out to be beneficial when entering the job market. All the students/graduates are required to prove a good knowledge of the language spoken in the receiving country (or a vehicular language). However the training at a foreign institution also represents a chance to focus on a micro-language, to experience the hierarchical relationships and to carry out responsibilities, which are all necessary skills to fit a work environment; and, last but not least, the training can also include the possibility to set out profitable relationships which may lead to solid occupation by the end of the mobility experience. The Consortium actively contributes to the achievement of the goals set by ?Europe 2020? strategy and, in particular, to the creation of highly qualified professional profiles. A further objective is to provide all the beneficiaries with tracks focusing both on theoretical matters offered inside the universities and practical skills which may be easily transferred into a future workplace. Conversely, the hosting institutions find it beneficial to handle updated, skillful and new resources. As for the staff mobility, the mail goal is to keep up with their competences within a specific context and bound to a professional track. The Consortium scored excellent results in terms of volume, almost doubling the number of mobility subjects set in the financial agreement. We chose to grant the same opportunity to the students, no matter their study cycle; as for the staff training mobility, the selection call was open to all the university staff units, even though the professors were the only applicants. In accordance with the decision taken by the whole board, we published a single Consortium Call, and Unife had the responsibility to collect the online applications sent by all the candidates. After the selection process, every partner handled and ran their own candidates. To favour this delicate operation, the partners could refer to a list of companies where some trainees had already carried out such an experience in the past. We had several operational meetings with the partners so as to share issues and solutions, as well as individual contacts between single partners and the coordinators. The result obtained are extremely satisfactory, seeing the high number of applications, the quality of the training sessions and the satisfaction registered both by the trainees and the hosting companies.

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