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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino (URBINO 03) joined in 2014 the Erasmus + Programme; Key Action: Learning mobility of Individuals, Action: mobility of learners and staff; Action type: Higher education student and staff mobility. The project had as its objectives and content: the implementation of incoming and outgoing mobility of students and teachers within the European Union; the knowledge of education systems practiced in institutions of university level; improving the ability to exchange experiences of socialization and environmental adaptation; the practice of the foreign working language and of the language of the host country; knowledge of the artistic systems (production, communication, museum exhibition) of partner countries. All quantitative and qualitative objectives of the project were achieved. The project involved no. 5 students outbound; no. 5 students inbound; n. 2 teachers (1 inbound Staff mobility for teaching and 1 outbound Staff mobility for teaching). Exchanges were activated with the following partner countries (Germany, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, France). The level of relations between the partner institutions were almost good as well as communication with partner institutions, held by Erasmus coordinators, has been characterized by fast preparation and signing of bilateral agreements: agreements also about the kinds of exchange, the duration , the number of students and teachers to be involved and the definition of departments including the agreement were clear and unanimous. Even during and after the mobility, the activities were held regularly between the educational secretariats of Erasmus offices. To participants selected according to criteria relating to merit (exams, grade obtained, credits earned, previous language skills) were offered accurate information on the partner institutions, their educational structure and related services, on the economic and socio-cultural characteristics of the host countries. Where possible, the participant was put in touch with students who have previously benefited from the Erasmus exchanges. These activities were carried out by the Erasmus coordinator and the didactic secretary of Erasmus office. During the activities it was decided to maintain contact with participants outbound communicating regularly with them through email. With students inbound steps were taken to provide: information and booking facilities for accommodation, orientation in the educational structure of the institution (presentation to teachers, mediation in the illustration of educational programs and customization), attention to issues related to psychological adaptation, facilitation in inclusion in the laboratories and in the classroom, involvement in the activities of production of exhibitions and events. Certainly the program has had a positive impact on the process of cultural integration within the student population and teachers, encouraging the exchange request and comparative look on the subjects studied.
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