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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Having been involved in the ERASMUS program since 2004, and steadily increased participation numbers since then, the Hellenic Open University (HOU) received the new ERASMUS+ Charter in December 2013 and had its most succesfull year yet during 2014- 2015. According to its funding application the university's objective was to move a total of 22 individuals. Despite eventually receiving a reduced budget (in certain mobility categories) and in spite of the adverse economic conditions prevalent in Greece, it did manage to come close to its initial goal - moving a total of 20 individuals, while also incorporating student placements for the first time in its history. Outgoing mobility consisted of: 5 students who received study grants (4 BA/ 1 MA, including 3 students from disadvantaged backgrounds), 3 students who received placement grants (1 BA/ 2 MA), 10 members of staff who received teaching grants and 2 members of staff (1 academic, 1 administrative) who received training grants. Incoming mobility consisted of: 2 students (who conducted part of their MA thesis research at the Hellenic Open University), 3 members of academic staff (who had received grants for teaching) and 4 members of administrative staff (who had received grants for training). Outgoing/incoming ERASMUS/ ERASMUS+ mobility is clearly exhibiting an upward trend, benefiting students and staff alike, in both the short and long term. On an Institutional level, the personal connections our academic staff cultivates, through its visits abroad, offer longer- term benefits - in terms of establishing further cooperation in future projects.
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