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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ΤΕΙ of Sterea Ellada has implemented the program ERASMUS+ - Learning mobility for individuals / Higher education student and staff mobility, for the academic year 2014-2015 with the following results: 22 mobilities of outgoing students, 3 mobilities for incoming students for traineeships, 2 mobilities of outgoing staff members for training and 4 mobilities for incoming staff for teaching. Out of the 22 outgoing 16 students received an ERASMUS grant for studies and 6 for internships. Overall, the mobility was a little lower than in previous years despite the fact that the expression of interest of students was increased. Long-term economic crisis and the problems faced by an increasing number of students and their families prevent their participation in the mobility program for studies. First, the scholarship is not sufficient to cover costs and secondly, by remaining in Greece they can work on a temporary or part time while studying and this way they are not a burden to their families. At times, they even support their families. Another significant obstacle to mobility for studies remains the difficulty of course selection. Teachers are willing to recognize the courses studied abroad and match them to those taught at the TEI of Sterea Ellada study programs but the study programs between institutions vary widely. Another factor that considerably limits the choices a student has in selecting courses for the preparation of the learning agreement is the language the courses are taught in. Most of our students speak as a second language, English, but few cooperating university curricula contain courses taught in English as it is difficult to develop a curriculum in a language other than the native language of the host institution. That is indeed the reason why the mobility incoming students is kept at such low levels: given the lack of funds, offering English language courses is extremely difficult because teachers are already overburdened with teaching obligations. Instead, for the fourth consecutive year the increased interest of students for internships remains. The difficulties with this type of mobility are mainly focused on finding an adequate level position. Mobility for teaching and administrative staff was on a par. Given that the problems concerning the mobility for studies are expected to exist in the subsequent years, as their causes are not expected to be eliminated nor or are they dependent on the TEI of Sterea Ellada, the target of a three-fold increase in mobility for studies and placements by 2020 is revised to 50%.

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