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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Conservatory of Music ?A. Pedrollo? in Vicenza is a smaller Higher Education Music Institution with a student population of around 700 students and approximately 90 teachers. We offer study programmes at the pre-academic level, 3-year Bachelors or First level (Triennio), and 2-year Masters of Second level (Biennio) as well as the residual courses based on the pre-reform study programmes. We currently have about 30 Inter-Instituional Agreements with institutions from 16 European nations. No geographical preference is given to choosing our partners since we recognize that excellence in music performance, research and instruction can be found in all corners of Europe. We are especially interested in developing relationships aimed at establishing ongoing exchanges that will produce relevant qualitative outcomes. We endeavour offer access to the Erasmus programme to as many participants as possible and to encourage participation from all sectors of our departments. We respect principles of non-discrimination set out in the Programme and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds. We strive to ensure that outgoing students, teachers and staff are well prepared for their mobility. In the 2014/2015 academic year our Erasmus mobilities included 2 outgoing Student mobilities, 2 incoming Student mobilities, 1 outgoing Staff mobility, 3 outgoing Teacher mobilities and 4 incoming Teacher mobilities. It must be noted that the number of outgoing Student mobilities for 2014/2015 we lower than expected and we recognize that this phenomenon was in large part due to the difficult economic situation that our students and their families were facing. However, the overall activity of the Erasmus programme was well balanced and produced beneficial results for students, teachers and staff. Both outgoing students were able to present their final exam and achieve their diploma on schedule from our institution after returning from their mobility. One of the incoming students chose our institution for Erasmus mobility after having met our teacher in the course of an Erasmus teacher mobility during the previous year. Three of our Erasmus teachers received renewed invitations to return to the hosting institution.
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