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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context: IPSA put in place a mandatory semester abroad. In september 2015 all our 4th year students have to spend an academic semester in our partner universities. 52% of our students opted for a European university. Aeronautical enginering being international we have tried to promote internships in industrial partners in Europe in order to strengthen our industrial links and making the bridge between academic and industrial trainings. Our Erasmus+ project aimed at promoting European mobility, helping more disadvantaged students to go abroad and to prepare, through mobility, our students to their future career. In aeronautical and space industries even French located firms work with foreign suppliers or clients. Our main targets in Europe are Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Eastern countries. These countries being job promising in the near future. Our SMS and SMP students are mostly in the graduate level: SMS and SMP activities prepare them to their first job in an international sector. 50 students took part into this mobility, mainly through SMS activities as SMP requires more time and energy to find out a contract. Our SMS students attended our partners courses either in our field of studies or in complementary areas (mechanical and systems engineering). It enables our students to get more prepared with additional courses to our international sector. Our SMP students were either final year students or 4th year students who have in mind a 1st job abroad. This is essential for us to rely on our partners to offer our students complementary training so that they can understand better how other European engineers are trained at the universities and how a French graduate school of enginering differs from universities. We wanted to diversify our partnerships in Europe and to activitate some others. This project enabled us to re activate partnerships in Italy, Hungary and Germany and to develop new partner in Spain. At the end of the project we signed a new partnership in Lithuania, the Netherlands and we have more candidates next year for Eastern Europe. In some years we would like to get more partners accross Europe so that our students can disseminate more easily. This would also enable us to increase our ingoing mobilty. In one year we alsmost doubled our incoming students. We would also like to sign double degrees with Spain, Italy, Germany and Poland. We started discussions with some of them. That would lead to deeper exchanges with our university partners and some industrial partners as we would like to include industrial internships in our double degree agreements.
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