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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Structure of Université Paris 13 : 5 faculties : Literature, Languages and Social Sciences/Communication/Economic Sciences and Management/Law and Political Sciences/Medecine and Human Biology. 3 Technological Colleges regrouping 20 different Curriculum leading to the Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT), a two-year undergraduate diploma. 1 School of Engineers and faculty of Sciences : Institut Galilée We offer - 20 DUT in Science Engineering and Service Management. - 39 Bachelor Degree Programs – Academic and Professional Diplomas - 74 Masters Degrees - 4 Masters in Engineering in Energy/Telecommunication & Networks/Computer Sciences/Applied Mathematics and Scientific Calculations. The goals of a European Mobility aim at improving student’s entry onto the job market while also expanding their knowledge on foreign cultures and languages. This recognition led Université Paris 13 to signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 1997. 19 years of involvement and dedication to broadening spirits and minds. The year 2014-2015 was very positive in terms of mobilities, with Erasmus as the number 1 program for exchange. The results for the year 2014-2015 give us a good hindsight on mobilities at Paris 13. They also offer us room for improvements. Student and Staff mobility feedbacks confirm the feeling we had of an intangible eagerness for more foreign exchange – an almost Necessity. Respondents noted the strong impact of the experience and mention the “+” it brought them. The Service for European and International Relations (SREI) of University Paris 13 runs the flux of mobilities, informing and guiding each one throughout the different phases of their project to make it a success. For 2014-15, the service counted 4 different office managers who covered the specificities for each type and aspects of mobility issues – An Incoming Officer/an Outgoing Officer/A Grant and Subsidies Officer and a Staff Mobility Officer. The whole service was and is still run and supervised by the International Service Supervisor. He looks at the conformity of the actions undertaken with the University’s European commitments. He has full authority over the SREI management and accompanies budget and legal requirements of each project from A to Z. The Institutional Erasmus Coordinator of the university enriches the catalogue of destinations and is the institutional delegate with partner universities. For 2014-15, 6 persons in total shared their know-how and worked together to the development of inter-European mobilities. The service has recruited two more persons : an officer in charge of communication and a mobility supervisor .The sound management of the service along with the expertise and the dedication of its personnel certainly contributed to the success of the campaign, no real bad or low markings in the criteria evaluated – results did almost match forecasts. Indeed, we can observe that the impact of the experience for outgoing students is very high, personally, professionally and in terms of academic learning. (See point 9 below). Incoming students do face difficulties with the French Administration – only half of them are satisfied or highly satisfied with the help we can offer them on these issues. Not much we can do at times! Along with legal and organizational complexities, students mentioned academic insufficiencies with an unclear and sometimes outdated course catalogue on our website. (See Question 7 on Course Catalogue Satisfaction). To conclude, the results provided by Mobility Tool reinforce our willingness to further develop European mobilities. The report may lead us to amend our processes to gain in clarity, visibility and simplification to the benefit of all. The report also shows that there is no real sense of belonging to a European entity and that the experience has not aroused political awareness in the participants, for both students and staff alike. We found it hard to complete the items on impact and dissemination – our priority is to mobilize students and staff from our own Institution first. We are more oriented towards an internal sensibilisation regarding mobility issues. Students from IUT (Technical colleges) are more willing to benefit from an Erasmus mobility : they represent more than 80% of the outgoing cohort. On the other hand, Incoming students favour long cycle curriculum.
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