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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to increase the number of mobilities within the Erasmus program. In the first project phase of the Erasmus+ program we did not meet our own expectations. This was partly due to the fact that management tools (OLS, Mobility Tool) were not available in time but also due to many uncertainties regarding the implementation of the new and complex guidelines of the new program. Many of these uncertainties have been washed away meanwhile. Concerning student mobility we had to face a considerable decrease in number in the project year 2014 which on the other hand reversed the year after when we registered an overwhelming increase in number. The number of participants in the activity of the mobility for teaching was kept at the same level as before. The number of participants in the activity of the mobility for training increased. The object of our university is to increase the number of participants in these two activities. Hence the number of staff will be increased in order to concentrate better on single activities. More information needs to be disseminated particularly for the staff mobility for training in order to attract more participants. In close cooperation with the personnel department incentives and models of merits should be worked out. So far the participants were mainly from the international office, the international study programs or research institutes. Concerning the staff mobility for teaching we were able to work out an exchange program with a French university which has been established well meanwhile although it has rather been working for outgoing mobility so far. In total, however, we registered an increase in the incoming staff mobility. To raise the attractivity of our university location we organized an international week on sustainable development and sent out calls ot all European universities. As a result we signed further inter-institutional agreements. In spite of the fact that we did not achieve our goals for the project phase 2014 we can already clearly identify an upward trend in numbers of participants in all mobilities.
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