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Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

This project aims at the creation of a moduralized, ECTS-compatible study program structured into an undergraduate Bachelor and a graduate Master education. Due to the great amount of administrative preconditions in the undergraduate education, the restructuring of this program part is left to the Central Asian partner universities. Nonetheless, the interface to the graduate education and the required educational standards to be met are defined within the project in close cooperation among all partner and EU universities to provide a harmonized based.The graduate education at the partner universities will be enriched by new modernized educational modules provided by the EU partners. While the base for these modules lies in practically-proven courses actively executed by the EU partners, their adaptation and refinement will be performed in technical workgroups including the prospective lecturers at the partner universities. This effort will also produce all required course material: lecture, accompanying notes, class texts and lab instructions. All of the technical modules will include lab classes. The required lab facilities will be setup during this project. The involved EU partners cover three distinct technical domains: Computer Engineering, Software Engineering andInformation Security and Privacy.Both the involved EU staff members as well as the staff at the partner universities will receive an initial training in the communicative teaching approach. The Central Asian staff will further undergo an on-site lab training by EU staff and will be accompanied in their first execution of the new courses during the piloting phase.Regular project-wide conferences will be held to structure the project efforts and to review and evaluate project results. External expertise is incooperated through individual experts both from the EU as well as from the Central Asian target region.The project has already ensured broad administrative support. It will further do so as to obtain the administrative approval of the created programs. National and regional educational summits and fairs will be used for regional dissemination. A website will publish results globally. The accreditation seal of an EU accreditation agency will be sought for one example partner university, the Technological University of Tajikistan, which was also selected as a national model university for the implementation of the Bologna process by the Ministry of Education of Tajikistan.
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8 Partners Participants