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High-resolution dating of sedimentary archives (HIRESDAT)
Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Following my success getting a first class CNRS research assistant position, I just arrived at the laboratory of Géosciences Rennes (UMR - CNRS 6118) of the Université Rennes 1 in October 2010. As a specialist in dating rocks by magnetic methods (paleomagnetism), I was attracted by the willingness of Geosciences Rennes laboratory to develop the most complete range of possible methods for the dating of rocks in order to understand the evolution of climate, environment and reliefs.Within this project, I bring methods making the link between geology and climatology. Specifically, it consists in dating, with the best accuracy possible today, sedimentary archives that have recorded past climate variations. The problems addressed are very diverse and include the formation of landforms, dating the evolution of hominids or studying regional or global climate changes (warming, monsoons, ...) and their environmental implications (desertification, sea level change, species extinction, ...). This emerging method for dating sediments is an essential component to complete the rock dating platform that is currently being built in Geosciences Rennes.The budget allocation requested is to be used to finance the implementation of these methods by building an automated system for measuring the magnetization of rocks and a magnetically shielded room to host the automated system. These devices are essential for the intended high-resolution study of continuous sediment record. It can be installed at a lower cost due to my extended past experience in foreign laboratories. This simple but crucial laboratory facility upgrade will expand dramatically the scope of the laboratory. This is essential to remain competitive internationally in a sustainable way, not only in dating rocks but also for direct applications to climatology and environmental sciences.
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