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High energy efficiency schools in Mediterranean Area: Multi-issues platform as interactive Network for technical regulations management, technologies data base and best practice dissemination activity (Teenergy schools)
Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is located in Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus and it aims at improving secondary existing schools energy efficiency, trough the implementation of a common Strategy based on the 3 typical climatic models that characterize the MED area: coast, mountain and city. The main activities are: - Realisation of Energy schools Audits, End users Surveys and Benchmark - Redaction of an Action Plan - Concept Design for 12 Pilot Projects, also through the organisation of 3 thematic workshops and 1 international Campus that involves experts, designers, students, enterprises and decision makers - Creation of a virtual platform that works as an interactive operational tool and will: provide information by which the energy schools performances can be compared; collect and catalogue laws, best practises and existing technologies; contain the Guidelines of the MED Strategy for energy management; be addressed to local authorities and decision makers, schools, technicians, private operators and all citizens interested in the construction sector and energy issues - Diffusion and capitalisation actions directed also to raise awareness on new energy techniques use, cost reduction and international standards and – in medium long term – to integrate and improve the energies policies and rules in the MED area and Europe The Pilot Projects necessarily refer to a local level as the main tools for testing and standardizing the transnational Strategy Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startparticipation in KICK-OFF meeting in Lucca (July 2009)-Final conference(April2011) scientific coordination of 1 project brochure, 10 articles published on newspapers and specialized reviews Component 2: n.6 Steering Committees: Lucca (July2009)Limassol (Nov2009)Trapani (Feb2010)Granada (May2010)Athens(Dec2010) Lucca(Apr2011) Component 3: Energy Audit developed in all partners territory involving almost 100 high schools belonging: plane, hill, mountain. Scientific institutions: coordination of 3 workshops : Limassol -Indoor comfort Nov2009 Palermo: Passive cooling Feb 2010 Granada: Bioclimatic architecture May 2010- Guidelines on publication Results: 1 database for energy audit 3 workshop reports 1 Action Plan 5 l brochures Component 4: Campus in Athens direction of CONCEPT DESIGN phase and elaboration of the Pilot Projects Component 5 - ICT PLATFORM: implementation with scientific contents and final project activities and resultsLatest project activities and outputsComponent 1: organization of 1 Final Conference meeting in Lucca (5-7th of Apr2011): 5th: prize Teenergy Schools and LEGAMBIENTE for the best work on responsible energy behaviour 6th: international conference , launch of exposition of the 12 Pilot Projects. signing of a Protocol of Understanding among public Institutions 7th: visit of two bioclimatic buildings Component 2: 1 steering committee in Lucca(Apr2011) Component 3: coordination and editing of 1 Action Plan as final document of the project, methodology including Guidelines for energy efficient school building refurbishment and new building in the Mediterranean context. Component 4: direction of CONCEPT DESIGN phase in collaboration with ABITA and elaboration of the final 12 Pilot Projects in collaboration with all partners during Campus in Athens. Awareness campaign towards end users (students and teachers) Component 5 - ICT PLATFORM coordination of scientific contents and communication activitiesNext key steps for the projectThe project has been given another 3month for the conclusion of all activities. An Italian version of the Action Plan will be elaborated by the Italian partners with the result of the school awareness campaign. The guidelines will be diffused by CD-ROM, representing an excellence for Mediterranean area as reference for best practice in high energy efficient refurbishing of existing schools and new school buildings. Active participation in the capitalisation process promoted by MED Programme.
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  • 76.6%   999 500,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants