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Het Sint-Lodewijkscollege ontwikkelen tot een professionele leerorganisatie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sint-Lodewijkscollege is a school on the move. The school wants to become a professional learning organization. This demands a commitment on all levels of the organization: senior management, middle management, staff and students. At the same time, the Flemish Education stands for a major education reform, structural reforms are afoot in the direction of larger administrative units. The challenges we face are: - work on change management. The crucial question is how we will motivate the education participants to step out of the old comfort zone in the direction of new scientific insights on learning. Self evaluation is in this the best lever. In view of the educational necessity we foresee 4 refreshment courses about, among others, professional learning and the use of statistics, and a group of 7 employees, 5 of which from the middle management and 2 from the director’s team. - towards a cooperative learning among teachers and students. For teachers, the focus is on interactive course activities whereby coaching and mutual classroom observation are experienced as very enriching. For students it is a growth towards self-directed learning, individually and in groups. To achieve this purpose we have selected 2 refreshment courses and 2 employees from our group of teachers. - towards a coherent language policy. The study options encompassing modern languages should be more challenged in the future. With the help of Elos we want to realize the standards of the Common European Framework. For this aim, we have selected 1 refreshment course with the focus on the English language, to be attended by 1 employee who is both a teacher and a cluster manager. - with the extension of CLIL towards the second and first degree, we want to provide the target language English more praxis. Therefore, teachers involved in CLIL should be supported and formed. For this we have selected 1 refreshment course in England for a group of 4 employees, consisting of 3 teachers and 1 middle manager - work towards a meaningful digitization of education. For it we need to encourage digital literacy and provide opportunities for development. In view of this, we have selected 2 refreshment courses about interactive media and ICT in education, to be attended by 2 teachers. - work on school policy. The educational structures will change significantly in the coming years. Therefore we want to train people who will guide these processes. That’s why we want to form people which will supervise fusion, cooperation and quality improvement. For this we have selected 2 refreshment courses and 2 employees, both from the middle management. These objectives will be realized through an audit of the existing situation. This requires the creation of a study group. Several people are sent on service training to acquire additional expertise. The implementation of the new findings is done through a process-bases system of self-evaluation, both collectively and individually. The motivational intervention of the management is crucial. Next, this project will be made available on multiple forums: through the internal bodies of the school, through external links the school has with the region, and through international partner schools. We provide expertise through workshops and consultation meetings. Through this project, we hope that the school shall be an institution that learns from experience and is continually improving quality in order to achieve and maintain a high standard. The educational gain for the pupils is the ultimate goal.
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