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Hemşirelik Alanında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uygulamalarının İncelenmesi
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participant group of our project is expected to comprise 40 students receiving education in the Nursing Programs of Gelibolu Anatolian Vocational School of Health, Çanakkale AVSH, Sarıyer Hüseyin Kalkavan AVSH and Kıreli Multi-Program High School. Since our project comprises the common needs of students in relevant area, difference of classes will not be considered. According to the estimates of World Health Organization, the reason for 40-50% of the deaths in emerging countries is diseases due to lifestyles. The reason that our project was prepared towards nurses who provide healthcare services is the employment of these individuals in working areas that will affect the quality of lives. As a matter of fact, being subject to sleep deprivation and nutritional disorders due to long working hours, extreme workloads and night watches, biological, chemical, physical and ergonomic threats and cases of violence also introduce many work related accidents and vocational diseases that may cause significant health risks. This situation threatens the health of both the patients and the aforementioned individuals as well as decreasing the quality of healthcare services provided in hospitals. Therefore, the employees need to learn about the applications in workplace health and safety area that are prepared towards increasing quality of life and to preserve their well-beings. However, lack of infrastructure in schools and insufficient knowledge of the teachers cause a lack of meeting these needs of the students. The purpose of our project at this point is to provide the future healthcare professionals with opportunities to observe the workplace health and safety regulation in Europe and the skills to prevent dangers by recognizing physiologic, psychological, chemical, physical and biological risk factors they may face in their professional lives. Thus, the participants will be able to preserve themselves from vocational diseases and workplace accidents when they graduate and they will have the opportunity to work by creating a safe working environment. Among these aforementioned objectives, there are points that overlap with the Erasmus program: shaping basic skills and capabilities with the supply-demand in the labor market and thus to enforce the cooperation between the education and the business worlds. On the other hand, the students will have the opportunity to improve their linguistic capabilities for both their professional and personal use during their time abroad while gaining self-confidence since they will be able to establish dialogue with people from different cultures via this language thus creating an inter-cultural dialogue. With this aspect, our project is also parallel with “encouraging intercultural awareness via wide diversity of languages” and “developing European citizenship and identity understanding” that are among the project’s special purposes.

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