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Hemşire Adaylarının Avrupa Birliği'nde Halk Sağlığı Uygulaması ve Mesleki Eğitmi
Start date: Sep 19, 2016, End date: Sep 18, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Many economic and social factors, such as change of the societies' lifestyles, family structures, women's participation to the work life more effectively, migrations from rural areas to cities, inequalities at income distribution, involves new health problems and needs apart from the defined ones. Capability of serving to new needs for health at social field comes with the change in health services. This change directly impacts the public health nursing which has an important place in health staff. The nurses work with the societies have to fulfill the functions of training, consultancy, defence, leadership and research more effectively and comprehensively. The nurses who train and advise for the works like, healthy nutrition, exercising, making the daily life balanced and stress-free, avoiding addictive substances for enhancing the health guide for developing health knowledge on individuals in this way. It is an inevitable truth that developing health knowledge results healthier behaviors and healthier life conditions. Demographical changes, social and political trands will determine the line in the future of the public health nursing which has been existing since at the beginning of this century.Preventive health nursing is a nursing field that evaluates health needings, prepares and applies maintenance plans, helps individuals and families meet the needs to carry on their health, evaluates the results of the services, prevents from the diseases, provides mainenance, help people succeed keeping their healthy conditions.In order to train our students, who study at the nursery field, in the field of public health nursery which is changing around the world, we have decided to prepare a mobility project.The objectives of our project are exactly related to Erasmus+ programme targets and Brugge Declaration as the following:* Improve the skills and increase the employment of our students in the field of public health nursery.* Modernizin education, training and youth studies,* Focusing on the students in the field of public health nursery,* Improving the quality, efficiency and attractiveness of the nursery vocational education and training in particular at the starter level,* Strengthening the relations between public health nursery vocational education and workforce market,* Advancing international mobilities at public health nursery vocational education and training,* Increasing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship at all phases of public health nursery vocational education and training.Selected 36 students from the 11th and 12th grade and an accompanying teacher for each mobility will intern at health institutions in Austria, Czech Republic, and Hungary for 2 weeks in June and July 2017.Since the project is a practical training the methodology to be used will be demonstration method. In other words, trainers at the hosting institutions will demonstrate the students what to do and ask them to do during the internship.In case of we will finish the project successfully as planned, the outcomes that we want to get are as the following:- Developing knowledge, skills and experiences peculiar to public health nursery at EU level, having practical skills- Gaining working experiences with job members in the hosting countries,- Improving technical language, social and communication skills by living and interacting with different races, languages and cultures, - Contributing the participants to be qualified staff by certificating the activities in scope of the project,- Observing and gaining experiences the working conditions, media and implementation differencies in EU countries,- Developing preventive approaches learning staff risks at public health nursery job,- Contributing to raise the quality of the service of public health nursery,- Gaining information about duties and roles peculiar to their jobThe long term expectations in the field of public health and general health by the project:We expect growing up qualified human resources, developing of employment opportunuties in the health field, reducing unemployment and activating health workforce market.
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