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HELP-ME - Higher European Learning by Prevention gaME
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HELP-ME is born from a need for Europe determined by continuous natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes which require the delivery of assistance from abroad in a very short time and see the people that has been struck down in a situation of panic and difficulty of handling the situation. 1 phase of project: partners are divided in 2 working groups on basis of calamity event of interest. Each group are compared with each other and with the third country, witness of international experiences in selected calamity event. By workshops, seminars and webinar they discuss, compare their reality, their action plans, their strong points and their weak points in emergency situations. An on-line space will be available to communication activities even after the events in person. 2 phase: will be developed an innovative ICT kit-set targeted at the following groups: trainers, students of every order and degree, citizens, volunteers involved in emergency situations. This tools include: online game on catastrophic event (earthquake or flood). Users have to evaluate the behaviors to be taken to deal with the emergency situation. Output: guidelines for use, manual trainers to administer the game. Everything is available in the languages of partners. Will be set up appropriate schedules containing: training and upgrading, technical and popular documentaries on earthquakes and floods, any other documentation and information necessary to affected communities to environmental emergencies. 3 phase: will be involved trainers. They will be trained to the use and administration of ICT kit; they will increase digital skills because will be trained how, where and for what activities use kit; will be encouraged to use the kit so they understand the potential and are able to train end-users.

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5 Partners Participants