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Heilerziehungspfleger/innen in Einrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Lebenshilfe Akademie NW gGmbH provides professional training for social care workers (Heilerziehugnspfleger/innen). Our concern is strengthening the European idea in education and profession. By dealing with European subjects and by getting professional experiences in another European country our students will get increased personal and professional chances. In our project “Social Care Work in Europe @ boundlessly inter-cultural and inclusive”, 30 students of social care work will receive work experiences in residential and working facilities for people with disabilities in Sweden, Austria, Great Britain, Italy and Hungary for two weeks in 2015-2017. The work placement is a component of the European specialization in the vocational training at our school. Teachers will undertake a learning experience in Sweden, Italy and Hungary. During the placement the students will assist disabled people in residential, working or free time facilities. Every project participant will look in detail into the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and will get new ideas on its practical implementation. They will discuss the implementation status of the convention with specialized staff and people with disabilities as specialists in their own matters. Furthermore the participants will exchange their methodological and didactic knowledge as well as creative ways for working with disabled persons. They shall compare their findings about the living conditions of these persons in their host country with the situation in Germany. In preparation of their stay abroad the trainees will be prepared in two or three day block seminars which include professional instructions, autonomous learning phases and individual counseling. The seminars will focus on language, content, pedagogic and inter-cultural subjects and will be carried out by the teaching staff of the Lebenshilfe Akademie NW and external instructors. With regards to the professional contents, topics like cultural sensitive care, working in inter-cultural teams, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its implementation in Europe, comparison of facilities for handicapped aid and the examination of own cultural habits will be in the foreground. Some of the block seminars will be bilingual (English-German). The Quality of the project shall be secured by using ECVET Toolkit. In order to introduce themselves to the receiving facilities participants will compile a “Europass Curriculum vitae” in English language before starting their work experience abroad. The “Europass Mobility” will be issued after having successfully passed the placement and after the necessary reports and documents have been delivered. The annotations of the “Europass Certificate Supplements” and the additional attestation of the inter-cultural profile formation during the training will be issued together with the diploma. Disabled and handicapped persons have to rely stronger than others on a social environment with internalized tolerance and appreciation of differentness. Abilities to foster integration and inclusion are essential competences which personal trained at our school have to have at their disposal. In addition to functional and professional capacities participants will acquire important social capital by further developing their inter-cultural and foreign-language skills. They will strengthen their assertiveness and self-confidence. All participants will gain important advantages on the labor market and acquire the ability to actively shape and being part of social processes, especially with regards to inclusion. In the facilities international competencies will further be generated and capabilities to develop innovative, demand-oriented and attractive offers will be strengthened. We also expect an improvement in the quality of our training and education and await positive feedback towards our school on the one hand and towards those apprentices who have not taken part in the project on the other. Apart from that, we seek to improve the quality of care taking and assistance for disabled persons, strengthen the link between theoretical and practical training and education. We also expect a positive impact on the training centres due to the experiences brought along by the participants. Finally, we are striving for modernization and internationalization processes in the Lebenshilfe Akademie NW itself. On the social and political level our long term goal is to realize equal participation and the assurance of human rights based on the attitude that disabled people have the same rights and dignity.

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