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Hedefimiz Eğitimde Kalite
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has a team of training personnel which has written many national and international EU projects since 2008 and conducted a three-partnered Comenius project and also a national youth project. Besides EU projects it also prepared scientific projects for institutions, which are experts in their fields, such as TUBİTAK ( The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and it had a significant success with them. Especially the Heads of the Branches have participated in various national in-service trainings about their branches at different times. However, four teachers joined international mobility during the Comenius project and our teacher of information-technologies took the advantage of individual education program abroad. If we take into consideration that our school has an educational staff of about 30 teachers and only 5 of them had an experience of educational activity abroad, it is not enough for our school to have a European dimension. For this reason we plan to realize the first pace of our project by participating in the course 'Finnish Lessons for European Schools' in Finland, a country which has proved its success in PISA and other international tests. The second pace will be taking part in the in-service training titled 'Education for Tomorrow' which will be held in Slovenia and enlighten us to improve the educational standards of our school. Our aim is to make our school improve its quality according to European Development Plan, to make our teachers learn new teaching techniques, to have professional competence in the internal coordination of teaching and learning, to promote the motivation of students in terms of learning, academic, personal and social development and to support their career planning. Our Project team consists of 11 personnals who are head teachers of Maths, Science , English, History, Geograpy , Literature and Second Headmaster and guidance and consultant teacher. Other participants will be chosen according to some criterion determined by Project team and school administrators soon after the project has been granted. In the scope of the course the schools and the universities will be visited; some studies will be done about the quality plan, incluson, teaching approaches and methods, special needs education, integration of ICT; school teachers and managers will share their ideas and they will strengthen their perception about new theaching methods to provide a more qualified education . In the light of this Project a Quality Improvement Plan will be composed in our institution (school); with different observation forms, meetings with school society and the questionnaires , progress of this Project (program) and the contribution to teachers, administrative staff, students and their parents will be examined and reported. All the activities about our Project will be announced with displays on school boards in our institution and with meeting out of our school ( district meetings of head branch teachers and head masters ) and this will provide an outstanding reputation to our Project. With the help of our project, adding a European dimension to our institution, raising the quality in learning and teaching, and the motivation towards education among all the persons consisting school society, using innovative and effective methods in education and school management areas are some of the expected outcomes. Moreover, we are planning to add a different dimension to our learning and teaching process via using some various education sites such as e-twinning. As the key indicator which shows whether our project has reached its objectives or not, raising motivation of using innovative and improving techniques and methods in teaching and learning among our students and teachers, increasing 10 % of academic success of our students (based on lesson marks and entrance exam of university), decreasing 20 % of dicipline events, and 10 % of increase in joining and organizing social and cultural events or activities are among our success criterion. In conclusion, we assume that the impacts of our project both in and out of the institution will be visibly positive, our teachers and students will lead a more prosperous and effective education process and our school will set a good example to the other institutions in our venue with the techniques and innovative methods used at school. The main indicator of which will be its being the most preferred school after the entrance exam of Anatolian High Schools and the national or international activities, events its students and teachers participate and the prizes they win.
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