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Healthy Entrepreneurship
Start date: Jun 8, 2015, End date: Nov 8, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus Plus "Healthy Entrepreneurship" was a learning mobility - job shadowing project for 2 youth workers from Poland for 6 days at Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The job shadowing activities started on 19th of July 2015 and went for 8 days (6 working days and 2 travel days), until 26th of July 2015. The project helped to exchange experience, acquire new skills, gain useful knowledge and also develop a partnership between Polish and Dutch organizations and participants. But also acquire good working practices in raising youth awareness about healthy living, selective tourism, importance of international dialogue, volunteering and networking. We have formed an international partnership, learned from each other how each partner organizes and carries out their work with young people and also we exchanged good practice experiences (in areas of inter-sectoral partnerships). The FB page of the project can be found here: The Job shadowing activities took place in Rotterdam at the premises of Stichting HK Kerkgenootschap where the Polish youth workers learned about good practices with youth, shadowed youth workers from the Netherlands in action and shared their experience. As outcomes the project organisations formed a longer term partnership that will evolve in future activities. After the job shadowing activity (A1)- presentations of partner organisations to local communities and members were prepared with small exhibition. In Rotterdam some 30 persons attended already during the job shadowing and in Wroclaw 70 persons attended in August 2015.

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1 Partners Participants