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Hasta ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Alanı Öğrencilerinin Avrupa'da Staj Uygulamaları
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school, which is the only technical high school in our district, aims to train members who have sufficient equipments for the sector. Our Project contains 30 students and three attendants from all institutions.10 of the students are from Çumra,Sedat Cumralı Technical and Vocational High School for girls from the department of ill and elderly service, ten of them are from Öztekinler Technical and Vocational High School for Girls and 10 of them are from Çumra health vocational School department of nursing field. According to WHO,World Health Organisation,in a very near future,only a few countiries will be able to support the special care for the elderly population which is increasing day by day. European countries are known that they give weight to human health.Because of the fact that there are very few institutions which can follow the changes,the vocational education given to our students is not sufficent, especially for their practice. Our students need to gain vocational skills by the means of interning in European countries where reformist approaches are followed properly.With this Project we aim to gather all the vocational high schools in our city and district within probation programe in Europe and we also aim to make difference among the other schools so that we can be preferred institution. It is known that young population is decreasing in Europe year after year.With this project we aim to train qulified staff who can be employed in international fields ,that are needed by health sector. To this end,we belive that it will contribute to qualified young population problem. Not only our participants take an opportunity to get to know other cultures, but also they will get occasion to introduce their own cultures during this Project mobility .And this will contribute cultural communication. Our Project contains new learning methods and aproaches which are about the aged care homes,hospitals, physical therapy centers, rehabilitation centers. With this Project we aim our students to get entrepreneurial spirit,to increase their skills and experiments,and to get cultural communication skills as an active citizens. In this way they will be able to employed as a qualified stuffs. This Project will be carried out between first November and 30 November in Germany as four weeks. Our host partners are the instutues called Vivantes Netzwerk für Gmbh, OSZGesunheit 1,Osz Körperplege and Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin. Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin will supply the accomodiate needings and in the other instutues internships works will be done
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6 Partners Participants