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Harmoniskas domāšanas un jaunrades procesi Latvijas un Itālijas mūzikas izglītībā
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the implementation of the project “Harmonic Thinking and Creative Processes in Music Education of Latvia and Italy” 6 teachers from Rezekne music secondary school named after Janis Ivanovs (“JIRMV”) will participate in an exchange in Italy. The project will be implemented from the 1st of September 2014 till the 31st of august 2015. During this time the following project tasks will be carried out: participation in the project of the vocational subject teachers from JIRMV, careful selection of the participants, provision of the foundation of Italian language and background in culture history, provision of successful experience exchange with the partner organisation, organisation of observations in Italian music schools, recognition of the knowledge and skills acquired, presentation of the achieved results, as well as publications it in the regional, national and even international level. The objectives of the project are focused on a long term goal–to implement innovation in music education at the secondary level, to strengthen cooperation between cultural institutions and the employers, thus promoting the development of new talent, skills and capacity at the international level. It perfectly fits within the short term goal of the project–to provide 6 JIRMV teachers with an exchange in Italian music schools in order to facilitate the acquisition of new skills abilities and competencies among the vocational subject teachers, to develop the educational institutions training process, introduce into the process innovation and improve the quality system across the field of culture education. All of this will contribute to the Eastern Latvia Concert Hall–thus disseminating the results of the project internationally. Italian composers and performers experiment with tunes, tact, music scene, each time surprising their audience. This can be done because musical expressions have no limits. Forms of traditional musical–ethnic motives–get integrated into academic musical. Thus JIRMV teachers will observe how this process takes place in a music school, where the person acquires first serious knowledge and skills. Further on: what is the role of creativity in music, how contests are organized for the young performers. Italy is not a random choice, but rather chosen for its role in creative art of music. Since the JIRMV has established cooperation with the Eastern Latvia Concert Hall “Gors”, the students of JIRMV actively engage in creative performances, concerts and theatre. It is useful to learn about the participation of students in shaping the culture environment in Italy, if they work with certain local concert halls, how they stage performances, what is the role of educators. Creativity is not specifically taught in Latvia – not as a subject. Neither is music composition. The JIRMV teachers see high importance in research, care, and development of ethnic traditions based on the professional education. In Latgale folklore and folk music is still widespread among people. Ways and solutions are needed to direct it into the realm of the professional music. In Italy there are many philharmonies and concert halls. It would be useful to learn, what is their cooperation with cultural institutions, new talents and music teachers. For the teachers it is important to explore and understand the interaction between the cultural institutions and professional employers – Opera, Concert halls, Philharmonies–in the unlocking of talent and excellence in students. Useful insight would be into the organisation of contests for young people at the international level. A music teacher for each subject will be exploring similarities and differences in Italy in comparison to cultural vocational education of Latvia, Rezekne, visiting and observing lessons, as well as being preset in contests of young musicians: 1)keyboard–piano, 2)string instrument–violin and viola 3)wind instrument–flute, clarinet and saxophone, 4)wind instrument–French horn, trumpet, trombone, 5)percussions–drums, 6)vocal music–choral singing. As the result of the project, experience will be acquired by observing training sessions and exploring new musical contests, as well as: 1)A considerable presentation will be compiled by the 6 teachers: innovative ideas from the experienced, similarities and differences in Italy in comparison with Latvia, best practice examples of Italian music schools that are appropriate to implement in JIRMV; 2)Each project participant will stage a performance in their field of music, which will be included in the annual Young Musicians Contest. Therefore, the rest of the school teachers, management and the jury of the contest, which will be composed of well known Latvian music teachers and performers, will have an opportunity to evaluate whether these innovations are justified and bring new positive trends, if yes, the design of future contests will be agreed upon based on the newly acquired experiences.
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