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Hareket Gönüllüleri
Start date: Jan 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a European society where the concern for the reconnection of education with the labor market is increasingly present the "Hareket Gönüllüleri" proposes an innovative perspective on learning: the sports and outdoor experimental solutions aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills and overcoming barriers in the relationship with others coming from different backgrounds and cultures. -Activity no 1: a group EVS stage (lasting 11 months, held in the city of Arad in Romania) to who will take part 4 young people from TR (of which at least 1 with fewer opportunities) . EVS volunteers will provide support (administrative, organizational, facilitation etc) for the following activities: a) workshops: the modern dance / sports / synchronous (including street dance) treasure-hunt & path-finding; marking forest trails biking & cycling tracks; tag games; strategy board games, (b) interactive workshops in English and Turkish language for children in kindergarten (music, drawing, ludic activities, etc.), (c) Local campaigns to promote volunteering and E + opportunities, through the Information Office for Youth of Arad County Volunteer Center Association etc. -Activity no # 2: Assessment Seminar, lasting 13 days in which will be involved a total of 10 youth workers from TR and RO. Objectives: - in what concerns the young participants in mobility: developing entrepreneurial skills, initiative and ability to perform as active citizens and participate effectively in European intercultural dialogue. Moreover, we estimate that these young people will develop key skills in inter-personal communication. - In what concerns the youth workers participating to mobility : developing specific skills required by youth worker professional career and acquire greater confidence in their abilities. Our project will involve at least 50 children and young people in the city of Arad / Ro, as members of local target groups in the community where the EVS volunteers stage will take place . These are mostly facing economic & social barriers (including those belonging to roma ethno-cultural) . We estimate the project as related to target groups, using methods / techniques / experimental approaches will help to develop the capacity for social integration and positive relationship / fair-play with others, in the spirit of European values and intercultural dialogue. Mai much these children & young people in the target group will develop interpersonal communication skills and language skills. -in what concerns the 4 young people from TR participants in EVS mobility: developing entrepreneurial skills, initiative and ability to perform as active citizens and participate effectively in intercultural European dialogue. Furthermore, these young people will develop inter-personal communication and business key skills, and the ability to adapt to new environments much different from home. -in what concerns the youth workers from TR & RO participants of the "Seminar" type mobility (coordinating team members, support persons on behalf of SO, HO , Local Partners) will develop specific skills necessary for youth worker profession career and will gain more confidence in their ability to meet the demands of a transnational nature approach. Moreover, we estimate that the two partners (TURKISH RED CRESCENT -ESKISEHIR CITY BRANCH from TR and Arad County Volunteer Center in RO) and 2 Local Partners Public authorities in RO (Club School Sports Arad and City Hall Arad will develop their work capacities in the field of youth at transnational level and cooperation type "public-private" This is part of a transnational network topic (entrepreneurship education), called generic SINIR TANIMAYAN GONULLULER "(which also includes organizations from RO, IT, JO and the learning lessons drawn from the project will be disseminated, transferred, copied and run inside it, and in other media, such as local youth activities of all partners involved, other networks in which the organizations belong to, other development projects including through Program E +. The main expected results of the project: - learning outcomes generated among young people and youth workers. Project partners: - CO / SO: TURKISH RED CRESCENT -ESKISEHIR CITY BRANCH (from Turkey) - HO: Association County Volunteer Center Arad (in Romania);
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1 Partners Participants