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Handel og detail i en international kontekst
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Handelsskolen Silkeborg and Karlinsk Business Academy have worked together for 20 years in developing the personal and professional competences of the Danish and the Czech students by giving them an insight in business, student life and culture in another European country. As part of the overall international strategy for our school, Handelsskolen Silkeborg wishes to create an international setting for all our students regardless of their field of education. We experience that our VET-students have seldom or never traveled to other European countries, but surely they will work with European partners in their future work life. They need to learn skills and competences in this regard, they need to practice their foreign languages and they need to practice the theories they have learned in real life. We believe that a three week stay with Karlinsk Business Academy will give them experience that they can use in their future work life. The goals are: - that they each attend a traineeship with a Czech student in a store in Prague - that they are taught by a Czech teacher in marketing in English - that they visit and talk to Danish and Czech companies in the area - that they experience the culture, society and history of Prague - that they create a network with the Czech students. As far as our teachers, we wish in general that as many of our teachers as possible travel to foreign schools and experience other teachers’ way of teaching. The goals for this stay are: - that they monitor and support the students during the stay - that the selected teachers create a network with the Czech teachers - that they get didactic, pedagogical and academic inputs from the Czech teachers - that they visit and talk to Danish and Czech companies in the area. The students are evaluated during and after the stay through an ECVET judgment. Handelsskolen Silkeborg and Karlinsk Business Academy will cooperate in the development of this ECVET-form and in evaluating the students. The goal is that the students will have both the ECVET evaluation and the EUROPASS mobility certificate to improve their chances of getting a traineeship during and a job after their vocational training. After the stay, the teachers will evaluate how they can use the inputs from Karlinsk Business Academy in their teaching. The results of the stay will be disseminated through our local network including the local media and Garantiskolen Silkeborg. Furthermore, the results will be disseminated through our official webpage and Facebook page and through our students and teachers who will present the results to the rest of the school. The target group for the dissemination will be present and future students and their parents, our teachers, management and board and all the local enterprises. Hopefully, this stay will make our school more attractive to future students and make our students more attractive to the local enterprises.
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