Hálózatépítés És Fejlesztés Heves és Besztercebánya Megyében, Valamint Az Ehhez Kapcsolódó Partnerségi Programok Generálása És Fejlesztése / Posilnenie hospodárskej a sociálnej integrácie prihraničných oblastí
Hálózatépítés És Fejlesztés Heves és Besztercebány.. (Hálózatépítés-partne..)
Hálózatépítés És Fejlesztés Heves és Besztercebánya Megyében, Valamint Az Ehhez Kapcsolódó Partnerségi Programok Generálása És Fejlesztése / Posilnenie hospodárskej a sociálnej integrácie prihraničných oblastí
(Hálózatépítés-partnerségi programok / Budovanie siete partnerských programov)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010,
End date: Dec 30, 2011
Due to former two projects, network cooperation of NGOs has in the affected area improved in the past period. Different levels of cooperation have developed and there are experiences on both sides, which can be mutually utilized. The cooperation within the project supports further development of cross-border activities based on an effective information network. The union of the expert base increases the expert capacity in both regions, which can be utilized at the project application activities and helps develop their partnership. Best practices used in our former joint program taking place at 17 micro-regions, strengthens the acknowledgement of the creative ideas in both countries, which contribute to generating newer project applications in the fields of development of infrastructure and contributes to social, economic and cultural development as well. The evolving expert team helps in planning programs and projects for several target groups, which provides guarantee for the long-distance, sustainable cooperation. The project reaches the target groups of the Heves (H) and Banska Bystrica (SK) counties by efforts for improvement of their quality of life with available services, a helpful expert team, efficient communication strategies, with forming common interpretations, knowledge extension, affirmation of the natural bonds and strengthening confidence between them. Achievements: Due to former projects, the network cooperation of NGOs has already been elaborated. Different levels of cooperation have developed and partners gained experiences on both sides, which can be mutually utilized. The aim of the project was the development of cross-border activities through the organization of trainings and workshops in the areas of strategic planning and project management, and also the promotion of the exchange of experiences on forums and conferences.
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