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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Language School of Teruel (EOI) is a State School which is run by the Regional Government of Aragón. Our school belongs to a wide net of language schools around Spain. Since it was founded in 1986 our school has been teaching English, French, German and Italian languages. It is at the service of those citizens who live in the capital city of Teruel and in the nearby area. Our aim is that our students acquire all the necessary communicative skills in order to face up with the social and professional challenges in the XXI century.Our School´s main objectives are:- To encourage the school teaching staff to acquire new teaching methods so that our students are able to learn to manage English, French, German and Italian languages for professional reasons, as well as for establishing economic, educative and cultural relationships with other European citizens and institutions.- To collaborate with public and private institutions in our town, as well as with some local businesses, primary, secondary and vocational schools in order to encourage them to set some boundaries and connections with other colleagues from the European Union, which allow them to work together and also to exchange their working experiences.- To show our students the importance of living actively in Europe and the relevance of managing languages in order to achieve communication.- To design new school materials and resources adapted to the European social and working demands and to share them with other local, national and European schools.ACTION PLAN1. NEEDS:We will do our best in order to fulfil our needs as regards:- European dimension: by establishing boundaries with other European schools, businesses and institutions that help our students carry out new enterprising, tourist and educative projects.- Teaching methods acquisition: by making use of new materials, resources and activities.- Communicative competence: by acquiring communicative skills in English French, German and Italian languages.2. PARTICIPANTS:The eleven teachers who take part in this programme (seven from the English Department, one from the French Department, one from the German Department and two of them from the Italian Department) have an extensive professional background, between five and twenty-five years. Thanks to this project they will have the chance to acquire the teaching skills and methods which are necessary to satisfy our students´ demands at a professional level in a more and more globalized society. All the participants are highly involved with our students´ communicative needs and are qualified to create new school materials, share their experiences and work in a team.3. ACTIVITIES:Training courses: CLIL/Teacher refresher, courses based on how to train other teachers, courses on aviation English, Job shadowing courses, as well as courses on tourism and heritage. The teachers involved in this programme will take a week or two-week duration courses, which will take place during the summer school holidays. Thanks to these training courses, the participants will acquire new teaching methods that are necessary to satisfy the communicative demands of our students at a professional level. The participants will also improve their communicative skills and establish connections with other schools, as well as with some public and private European organisations. Besides, the teachers involved will share their experiences and resources with other colleagues, they will learn how to reinforce team work and they will also encourage the local institutions and businesses to set up new professional projects with other European associates.4. DEVELOPMENT:The Language School in Teruel, those teachers involved in this programme as well as our associates, who are in charge of teaching and training the school teachers will work in a team. We want our school community and the private and public institutions in Teruel to take part actively in the activities programmed during our project. Besides, the School Managing Team and the different Language Departments at our school will supervise the project´s development and the participants´ training process, through daily contacts and talks by mail, Skype, etc. Finally the participants will carry out a final report to assess the project and let other members of the school know about the last conclusions.5. PROMOTION:It will be done by means of:- Debates with other teachers- Exchanging school materials and resources with other schools- Projects in which our European associates will also take part- Workshops and debates with the whole school community, as well as with the representatives of private, public institutions and local businesses- The use of some technological platforms: blogs, intranet and the school website- The collaboration of the local media- Taking part actively in those cultural, social and professional activities, which are organised by the local associations in our city.
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