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Guldhedsskolan jobbskuggar Sääksjärvi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We want to increase the effectiveness of Guldheden.Handicraft is certainly not just a topic. It is a subject in which the student must translate and display their knowledge of mathematics, science, technology and language blah. Handicraft is a topic that integrates and interacts with many other subjects in school and where students really handy may apply and practice their skills. Good knowledge of the arts "spread" over to the more theoretical subjects.Handicraf involves manual and intellectual work in association which develops creativity, and strengthening the confidence in the ability to cope with tasks of daily life. These abilities are important for both individuals and communities development. (From Lgr11)Finland is the best country in Europe in recent PISA comparison of Mathematics, science and reading.Sweden has the worst results and development, in all OECD countries, Sweden has lost the most.A concrete development in Guldhedsskolan are greater achievement for students. More students need to go out elementary school with more passing grades in more subjects. From a long term perspective requires the school to increase the compliance rate for years to come, so the goal is long-term. In the last group of students in grades 9 to graduates was 33.3% of students who did not have passing grades in all subjects.Looking at the boys and girls, there was a greater proportion of girls who did not achieve a pass grade, which otherwise tends to be the opposite. Girls tend to cope better school than boys. (52.9% of the girls did not achieve a passing grade and 17.1% of boys). We want increased achievement for all students, but also analyze, discuss and reflect on how we can support the girls. This is a project with a long-term goal, to improve achievement for all students, that more pupils leave primary school with more passing grades is something we must continue and work with for many years to come. It is within the requirement from the National Agency that all schools should work with systematic quality assurance.We will job shadow our Finnish colleagues and share their pedagogical work but also planning conferences and administration. We are three teachers from Guldhedsskolan who will go to Sääksjärvi school, we have different skills but the common denominator is that we all teach crafts. Together we can reach about 525 students.
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