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Growing through voluntary work 2014
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

`Growing through voluntary work 2014` is the fifth group EVS for youngsters from Cardea. Cardea is a youth care organistion which works with youngsters with fewer oppurtunities. 6 youngsters, who have difficulties at school or work will go to Yaniklar, Turkey to work on an organic farm for 2 weeks in October 2014. They will learn skills in a different country which will help them when they are back in Holland. Working on an organic farm in Turkey will make the youngsters aware of their own and Turkish culture and they will learn the values of organic farming and living, something complete different from their own (city)life. The youngster will be prepared before going on the EVS, by setting their own personal goals. During the EVS there will be a mentor to guide them. Afterwards there will be an implementation of what they learned during the EVS in real life. A project that will change youngsters their life!
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