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Ground water supply in Sortavala district
Start date: Apr 12, 2011, End date: Apr 11, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to improve the drinking water quality in two settlements of Karelia and to transfer this experience to other territories of the Barents region and Russia. Main activities• Studying the benefits of water supply from ground sources in Finland in the conditions similar in geological structure to the territory of Russian Karelia.• Improvement of water supply systems of two pilot facilities of Kaalamo and Ruskeala settlements of the Sortavala district by using Finnish experience in the sphere of water supply with ground waters.• Development of the design and estimate documentation for construction of groundwater intakes, water treatment plants and water pipelines for Kaalamo and Ruskeala settlements.• Sharing the experience of Finnish-Russian cooperation in the improvement of water supply systems for Kaalamo and Ruskeala settlements with other areas of the Barents Region and Russia. Achievements: The design documentation produced within this project will be used for the construction of underground water intakes, treatment facilities and pipelines. The financing arrangements of building water supply facilities in the settlements of Kaalamo and Ruskeala may take time. CJSC Karelvodokanal jointly with the Administration of Kaalamo settlement prepared a request to the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities and Power Engineering of Karelia to include the construction of ground water intakes at Kaalamo and Ruskeala deposits of ground waters and main water pipelines into the “Plan of comprehensive social and economic development of the Republic of Karelia for the period until the year 2020”.
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  • 43.9%   125 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Karelia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants