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Grenzüberschreitendes Lernen 2014
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background: As part of their vocational education our students have to complete a 12-week-traineeship with a company in the gastronomic sector. Two of our students want to complete this traineeship in another EU member state. Project aims: The aim of the project is to give the students an opportunity to put their knowledge and skills (acquired in the relevant subject matters at our school) to the test in a real life situation and thus gain some practical, professional experience. Specific targets: use/practice the skills and competences they have acquired at school in a professional, real life situation; • be informed about employees’ rights and obligations and be able to judge a professional environment against these standards; • behave in a friendly, professional, self-assured and efficient way towards superiors and other members of staff; • on the basis of their knowledge and expertise gained at school and during their work experience, develop a positive attitude towards the world of work in general and the specific professional environment in particular; • improve their foreign language competence and gain insight into the way of life in other European countries. Number of participants: 2 (two) Description of activities: The project is scheduled for July, August and September 2014 and will take place in Madeira. The students will work in the restaurant section of a hotel. Project procedures: The school and the relevant enterprise (hotel) will draw up a Memorandum of Understanding. The tasks to be carried out by the students will be defined in a Letter of Intent and a Learning Agreement. At the end of the project the students will receive a Personal Transcript. Expected results/impact/long-term benefits: From the students’ perspective – • personal and professional development; • increased employability (in the regional and European labor markets); • gain professional experience and put one’s skills and knowledge into practice; • preparation for the transition from education to the world of work; Employer’s perspective – • establish links with the world of vocational education; • get to know trainees from other EU countries and handle linguistic and cultural diversity.

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2 Partners Participants