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Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Dec 3, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GREEN ZONE MEETING ART is an artistic encounter of young people in the so-called " Green Zone " . The young people through pro-ecological and artistic workshop will move social problems - concerning the people on the risk of social exclusion, people who are economically disadvantaged or disabled . For two weeks young people will take part in smultimedia projections , debates , discussions with the psychologist , integration and artistic activities , which in an interesting for young people way touch the difficult seroius topics that many young people are faced with ( a disease or a lack of material resources) . GREEN ZONE MEETING ART is a two-week workshop organized in a lovely quiet village called Drzemlikowice from 27 July to 10 August 2014 . It will be organized for 21 persons from three countries ( Poland , Czech Republic, Slovakia). Young people not only will have the chance to learn more about different aspects of ecology, but also look at the environmentally friendly aspects of the policy of the countries that will participate in the project,. It will be their way to better understand the culture of these countries. Young people will learn how to lead a eco-friendly lifestyle that will be able later to show to the others . The project will take part 10 people who are in a difficult economic situation and 8 people with disabilities - deaf or hearing impaired . Young people take part in such activities as : - activities integrating young people at risk of social exclusion - debates and discussions about the marginalization and social discrimination (with the participation of a psychologist ) - multimedia projections of movies concerning the problem of poverty and disability - ecological and educational activities concerning recycling, waste segregation - art classes " How to make something from nothing" - the use of recycled materials in interior design , eco - fashion , eco - art - classes in pottery, yoga and dance - interviews promoting the Erasmus + programme , it's priorities and objectives - meeting with environmentalist - psychological lecture - discussion about the Human Rights - rehearsals and preparation for the final presentation ( artistic installations to which each group will prepare a performance ) - Eco -Meeting - happening / meeting promoting the project with residents of neighboring towns , journalists and invited guests from the world of arts and culture Four experienced leaders from the three countries will take care of young people during the workshop. Workshop participants will have the unique opportunity to meet each other, share knowledge and experience , get to know better the culture and language of other countries. At the end of the workshop young people will prepare open'er happening for invited guests , residents of neighboring towns and journalists : Eco -Meeting , during which young people in small groups will present their art installation made from recycled materials - installation will be arranged in space. Each installation will be accompanied by a performance propagating the value of ecology, social integration and interaction of artists in the international scale. The main task of Eco-Meeting will be not only to promote the pro-environmental, but mainly to prevent xenophobia, discrimination and marginalization. Eco -Meeting will be not only a form of integration of the participants with the residents of the local community and visitors, but also promoting eco-way of living. This knowledge will bring benefits not only for them but also for their families , friends, for the environment and the participants of Eco-Meeting. Eco -Meeting will be special and original way to promote the Erasmus + programme.

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