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Green Apron - Training module for catering schools/vocational centres students in plant-based diet
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Green Apron reacts to the urgent demand for a Europe-wide food VET specialised in the area of plant-based cuisine. The meat-reduced cuisine is currently experiencing an unprecedented rising tendency. The Eurispes report 2013 shows that in Italy for instance plant-based eaters are 8% ( 6,9 vegetarians 1,1 vegan). In Spain plant-based eaters set the demographics in two millions (4% of the population) and observed that in the latest years the trend accelerated. In UK and Scotland a large increase in the population is moving onto to non-meat dishes and in particular a plant-based cuisine/diet. Some independent market studies suggest that vegetarians constitute 7% to 11% of the UK adult population. In France In October 2011, the European Vegetarian Union reported that the French government's Décret 2011-1227 and associated Arrêté (September 30, 2011) effectively outlaws the serving of vegan meals at any public or private school in France. Similar decrees are proposed for kindergartens, hospitals, prisons and retirement homes. In Romania 85% of people are Christian Orthodox and many of them keep the Orthodox Lent, which means having a vegan diet for certain lengths of time (which can add up to be more than half the year). Moreover many people are changing their eating habits because of healthy reasons. That is the reasons for a growing demand of skills to prepare balanced meals containing little or no animal products. The traditional vocational chef education and training (VET) in Europe does not yet consider the know-how and the skills for a sustainable and balanced cuisine with low or no content of animal products. The lack of knowledge in this field leads to insufficient skills of chefs and caterers to meet the new needs of their customers. In addition to customer demands, sustainability standards have become a major component within caterers' corporate social responsibility policy. To face these needs and request Green apron aims at developing the production and dissemination of a curriculum and training material of a 100-hour-module. Translated into 5 languages English, French, Italian Spanish and Romanian and enriched by modern multimedia content (3D-animated movies, e-learning modules, recipes videos,) the project results are exploited in the national educational systems. The Green Apron curriculum will be based on standards of the European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) accredited according to ECVET parameters. The activities and results of the project are: 1. research: the training system in the different countries with a special focused on the hotel/cuisine training education. Result: final report joining the 5 researches 2. common module: development of a 100 hour curriculum on plant-based diet checking leveled in accordance with ECVET procedures in partner organisations countries and provide leveling at around EQF level 4 which is workplace level qualifications Results: 100-hour ECVET certified training module 3. Green Apron guide for training trainers/teachers on the use of the Green apron curriculum giving more detailed background information on teaching methods and lesson designs. Result: A guide for trainers 4. Supporting ICT tool. Producing 3 DVD as supporting tools for the module. Contents: nutritional facts, reasons for a plan-based diet and video recipes. Results: 3 DVD 5. Training for trainers : training trainers on the use of the module and of the supporting tools. Results: training fro trainer report 6. Piloting the GA model : testing the model in Romania, France, Italy, UK and Spain to check the validity, effectiveness , contents and methodology. Result: final piloting report 8. Dissemination activities: the project will be disseminated by using the web site, the brochures and dissemination meetings in each country. Results: dedicated web site, information brochures, local dissemination conferences 9. Evaluation and quality control: following the evaluation strategy the project will be monitored and controlled to see that results and activities are developed. Results: evaluation reports Target groups are: • trainers/teachers who will benefit from new and dynamic training materials with a proven track record and the transfer of these materials. the project aims at reaching more or less 100 trainers along the project. • the learners/students of the vocational/educational catering centres • catering industry: having the opportunity in a recession time to hire skilled and competent professional cooks/chefs Throughout the lifetime of the project 65 VET professionals across 5 countries will be directly exposed to these techniques through their practical application in a VET environment. This is likely to impact on more than 100 students as the trainers test their new competencies and resources. The products will be distributed to over 400 organisations through web sites and various partner networks.

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