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GREAT Gaining Representative Entrepreneurial ATtitudes for students and staff
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CHIC consortium of ROC Horizon College, ROC ID College and AOC Clusius College has been an active mobility consortium for well over a decade and may therefore be called one of the spearhead colleges in the area of international mobility. In 2009 the consortium was proud to receive the Certificate of Excellence in Mobility which awarded them Leonardodavinci subsidies for a period of 6 years. This helped to formulate both short term and long term objectives within the mobility programs. The CHIC colleges have a common vision and mission on mobility which form the basis of their individual policy plans, strategic plans and financial, administrative organizational plans. In June 2014 CHIC will apply for the Erasmus+ charter. ROC Horizon College and ROC ID College sectors offer mobility opportunities to their management, staff and students: Engineering, Business Studies, International Trade and Services (catering, facility management, cooks, hairdressers and bakers), Health and Social Care. AOC Clusius provide opportunities to participants from the green sector. Anually Chic uses up the full subsidy to send away between approx. 300 students from these sectors. Opportunities within mobility cover language and/or cultural preparation activities, work experience and if applicable events at the partner college. For this CHIC and its EU partners have developed a metholdogy increasingly based on the ECVET Toolkit documents particularly the MoU, Learning outcomes and agreement documents. These documents have created transparancy, insight and quality and thus provide a perfect basis for mutual trust. CHIC will use the mutual trust to expand on its mobility programs, i.e. create opportunities for students to do (part of) their educational program abroad. This will allow for an expansion of virtual cooperatiopn opportunities which will increase the number of students gaining an international experience considerably. In turn this will help to embed and eventually anchor all international activities, both physical and virtual, in an educational context. From Call 2014 onwards CHIC will use the abbreviation OIC (Dutch) and EIC (English) to describe Education in an International Context. The main advantage is that once International activities have become part of the ducational program the criteria as to contents and quality are set and have to be met. Internationalization is education and not a pleasant extra is our motto! During its information and promotion activities mobility experienced students, staff and ex-students and working life professionals promote the benefits on short and long term to newly interested students. Their enthusiasm and experiences are the main drive behind the large flow of new students and staff that wish to participate in the new mobility programs.

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