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Gravesham Youth Camp 2016
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Working in partnership with Stadt Neumunster in Germany, Gravesham Borough Council (GBC) a local authority in England, would like to deliver a Key Action 1 project (Mobility for Young People and Youth Workers) - a week long residential in the town of Gravesend, Kent between the 1st and 7th August titled Gravesham Youth Camp 2016.The proposed project was suggested by Gravesham Youth Council (GYC), an organisation of young people aged 11 to 19 who either live or go to school in the borough. The youth council act as the voice of youth and enable young people to voice their concerns, participate in local government, be empowered to take decisions and action to improve their local community. Following discussions among the group and with local schools it was established that no formal education is given about the European Union and knowledge on the subject was fairly sparse. As some group members will be old enough to vote in the UK's referendum on its membership to the EU in 2017 learning more about the organisation and its role across Europe, the group thought would be beneficial.GYC have also been heavily involved in the planning stage of the project: preparing the timetable, promoting the project to local councillor's and working out the financial costs involved. This has ensured that young people have been consulted in the delivery of the project and that it remains relevant to young people.Gravesend is twinned with Neumunster, they were chosen as project partners as GBC already has a good working relationship with representatives from the town. Both partners have a commitment to youth, GBC with its continuing support of Gravesham Youth Council and other youth projects and Neumunster have founded a Youth Welfare Committee and hosted their own youth camp in August 2015, so have first hand knowledge on delivering a successful youth mobility project.The proposed youth camp will involve a total of 44 young people, aged between 13 and 18, 22 from each of the participating towns. Participants will reflect the ethnic make up of each of their towns, will be from a range of social and economic backgrounds and will aim for a 50/50 male/female split by making activities gender neutral.The main objectives of the project are:1) To learn more about the European Union, its history, values and governance and encourage the participation of young people in the democratic process2) Identify and discuss issues of relevance to young people today on a European scale3) Promote diversity, intercultural awareness and Civic pride4) Strengthen links between the young people of Gravesham and its twin townTo meet these objectives the young people involved will participate in a number of different activities including 'What I know about the EU?', Immigration in the EU, tour of the Houses of Parliament, meeting of the local councillors; discussions on the issues facing young people; participant led presentations on their home towns, tours of Gravesend's heritage sites, meeting of the development team behind the proposed London Paramount Entertainment Resort and various team work exercises, ice breaker sessions and sporting activities (kayaking/raft building and climbing/abseiling). Preparation is key to help meet the project objectives. Before the youth camp takes place participants will need to generate a presentation on their home towns, decide what issues matter to them (whether they are immediate or in the future) and research their families migration history to offer a personal perspective on the European migrant crisis.During the week long residential emphasis will be placed on non-formal learning, wherever possible activities will be designed to be inclusive and interactive, with opportunities to feedback their experiences at the end of each days scheduled activities. The activities designed to encourage teamwork and problem solving (climbing/raft building etc) will be particularly useful in delivering this non- formal learning.The main anticipated project outcomes, both short and long term will be:1) Participants will have a good knowledge of the workings of the European Union and how it is relevant to them2) Greater understanding of governance on a local, national and global scale3) Improved self-confidence and problem solving skills4) Lifelong interest in town twinning, attracting younger members town twinning associations in their home towns 5) Appreciation of the cultural similarities/differences across Europe and the challenges faced by those from differing backgrounds6) Improved communication skills despite the language barrier The shared experiences of the young people involved in this project will create a lasting legacy of friendship between the nations.
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