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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By increasing a good quality of European citizenship for both pupils and teachers en enlarging her European network (Pre)primary school Scharrel stimulates her staff to build a critical and wide view on the educational landscape. This is ment to deliver them the needed expertise and motivation to optimalise their own teaching circumstances.Among other things the basic filosophy of Scharrel is built on the following items: taking care and being responsable for your own professional growth, each on his/her own speed and individual profile, as long as it is supported by the general pedagogical approach containing critical and positive thinking, open communication, caring the weaker people and nature, attention for a healthy lifestyle and a big concern for the early language learning. So we didn't choose for a unilateral project but a project with diverse perspectives in a European framework. Main topic stays early language learning (and the learning of languages in general). Moreover the project contains activities about how art education in preprimary school can sustain the development of key competences. For teachers with a role in animation in the school on staff- or pupillevel we provided a course in social skills and teambuilding activities. The leading and learning team will take benefit for their dynamic and multilateral management from course about evident schools.Some colleagues put their first steps in European citizenship through a simple and general jobshadowing on the classfloorlevel. We support this kind of mobility as well because we are convinced that growing has a different speed and a different dimension for both pupils and teachers. By being responsable for their own development and being allowed to take small steps in European growth we sustain evolution in self confidence and daring to speak. On the short term we expect a raise of enthousiasm in the job of teacher and the implementation of some small changes in the classroom management. The different European experiences will fertilise each other through exciting discussions about culture and education and shine on the adults of tomorrow, our pupils.Levels on which European mobilities will expand:1. early language learning through the narrative Hocus & Lotus format and prepare a joint venture2. Raise the vocabulary and daring to speak in a foreign language and the development of European citizenship at individual speed3. Continuity in schoolpolicy concerning open mind and coaching strategies and quality development4. Development of skills of good practice on classroom- and teammanagement

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