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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The consortium of schools of economics (Celje School of Economics, Grammar School Celje - Center, Murska Sobota School of Economics, Secondary School of Economics Maribor, Secondary School Slovenj Gradec and Muta, Secondary School of Economics Ljubljana, Grammar School of Economics and Secondary School Radovljica, Secondary School Jesenice, Secondary School of Business and Economics Koper, Novo mesto School of Economics) has formed partnership with partners in the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Portugal and Malta for the purpose of collaborating in the mobility project for secondary school students from seven of our regions that was taking place from June 2015 until June 2016. We organised a placement for 315 of our secondary vocational and technical school students as well as those of grammar school of economics for a period of three weeks. The duration of their placements was adjusted to their curricula. All partners were aiming at enabling our participants to get an excellent mobility experience, helping them upgrade their speaking abilities in English or teaching them the basics of Spanish/Portuguese, which means granting their wish. Our aim was to broaden their horizons to such an extent so that foreign languages will no longer be a problem but a challenge, we wanted them to understand the notion of multicultural existence and being able to live among and with different kinds of people, we wanted to encourage the use of their professional skills in foreign work environment and gain new skills, including soft skills which are becoming increasingly sought after by employers. It is necessary they become aware of the importance of lifelong learning and training as Europe offers excellent opportunities for international cooperation, networking and exchange of expertise. For the majority of our students it was an all-first time: the first flight, the first time away from their parents, for the first time so far away from home but all that has so far immensely contributed to their strengthened self-confidence. The project has also been of utmost importance for all partner schools as mobility activities keep raising our international profile and attract a greater number of students who want to enrol in our programmes. At the same time it has provided invaluable new experiences for all of us. We successfully increased the number of mobilities in comparison to previous years and improved the students' openness and independence. At the same time we have strengthened our collaboration with our foreign partners and are striving to improve our mobility practice in the future by learning from our own as well as their rich experience. Mobility is an added value to our educational programmes and it diversifies everyday activities in all our partner schools and in the future potential employers are likely to benefit from good quality staff.
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8 Partners Participants