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Good Governance in Energy Efficiency (GOVERNEE)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Energy efficiency is at the heart of the Union's efforts to tackle the problems of energy security and climate change. With the recent financial crisis and downturn in the European economy, the case for energy and resource efficiency has become even stronger. Increasing oil and gas prices make it essential to reduce Europe's dependence on primary energy sources and find alternative energy supplies as well as to exploit the existing ones as fully as possible. At the policy making level it is important to design and implement strategies and investments in energy efficiency (EE) with the intention of lowering the amount of unexploited energy and ultimately raising the standard of living and saving money. It is crucial therefore to find the most effective ways and methods ensuring less energy consumption. GovernEE intends to address this problem by capitalizing on past and current initiatives in the field of energy efficiency (EE) and the use of renewable energy sources (RES). Specifically the project will focus on the heating public buildings in general and historic buildings in particular, since the public and the communal sector are a major energy consumer and the bulk of energy loss derives from the inefficient heating systems of public buildings.The project does not focus directly on technological innovations or mere development of networks and exchange of experience. It approaches the problem from the point of view of good governance. By laying emphasis on improving decision-making and planning competences as well as strengthening policy-makers' responsibility (the key elements of good governance), sustainable development in the energy field through responsible energy-conscious policy-making can be achieved. Achievements: GovernEE project was launched successfully in June 2010 aiming at making better use of renewable energy sources (RES) and increasing energy efficiency (EE) in Central Europe to secure the energy supply in a sustainable way. To reach this goal, 7 Partners from 5 countries worked jointly on assist decision makers to improve EE of heating public buildings with a special focus on historic buildings.As a first step, local ex-ante analyses and potential estimations were elaborated to define local circumstances and good practices were collected. To tackle and harmonize different requirements of partner countries, a Joint Legal, Financial and Administrative Guideline and a Benchmark on EE feasibility studies were prepared. Based on a joint Guide for Local Energy Efficiency Action Plans (LAP) 6 LAPs were elaborated by identifying local needs and possibilities for future interventions to improve EE and use of RES.As pilot investments an ICT energy monitoring system was implementedby 3 partners, "nearly invisible" PV panels were installed on the roof of a monumental protection building in Quedlinburg and high energy performance windows were installed in a historic building in Bologna. To improve the decision making and planning competences of decision makers of municipal institutions, 25 trainings were held for decision makers, facility managers & staff of municipal institutions on RES and EE based on joint training material. All in all, 449 persons were trained out of which 21 decision-makers were also coached.Pilot results were assessed and lessons learnt and good practices identified were summarized along different topics in the Transnational Feasibility Study, the Guide for energy saving and improving EE in historic buildings, the Guideline for incorporation of energy awareness into policies of municipal institutions and the Strategic Toolkit. Additionally, with a view on future needs, a Long-term program concerning research was also elaborated. Aiming at channeling in the ideas of relevant stakeholders, Best Practices of European Energy Networks and a Knowledge Sharing Strategy were prepared providing basis for stakeholder management and operation of the Knowledge Network.5 Local Focus Groups (LFGs),as local branches of the Network, transnationally linked in the online Competence Center, were operating and guaranteed the knowledge sharing within and outside the project partnership.To express their commitment, on 3 July, 2013, leaders of partner institutions signed a Declaration of Intent to improve energy efficiency of their historic buildings.To widespread the knowledge on EE of public and historic buildings, 6 Local Showrooms were set up, 14 Energy days were held reaching out more than 10000 & results were shared in 92 open events & through the project website & facebook page.

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  • 78.8%   1 772 909,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants